Challenges for the treatment of pancreatic and renal cell cancer Nick Thatcher Christie Hospital NHS Trust Manchester, UK
Thursday 7 February 2008 Agenda Chair’s opening Nick Thatcher Charting a new landscape in advanced pancreatic cancer Malcolm Moore Anti-VEGF therapy: a revolution in care for patients with renal cell cancer Frank Griesinger 18.05Discussion and close 19.00Evening dinner at the Shangri-la Hotel
Pancreatic cancer: high medical need Particularly difficult-to-treat disease –late diagnoses and high mortality rates Gemcitabine in combination with erlotinib is a new standard of care in metastatic disease Fluoropyrimidines also used Many regimens or new agents have failed to show significant survival advantage over gemcitabine alone 1–4 1 Louvet C, et al. J Clin Oncol 2005;23:3509–16 2 Stathopoulos, et al. J Clin Oncol 2005;23(Suppl 16):334s (Abstract 4106) 3 Xie de R, et al. Chin J Dig Dis 2006;7:49–54 4 El-Rayes BF, et al. Clin Adv Hematol Oncol 2003;1:430–4
Pancreatic cancer: what are the challenges that we face in the next decade? Improved understanding of disease biology Facilitating the identification of patients with pancreatic cancer: the challenges and practicalities of earlier diagnosis Identifying novel therapies or therapeutic combinations to improve patient outcomes in advanced pancreatic cancer Investigating potential biomarkers to predict outcomes with specific therapeutic agents
Targeting RCC: expanding options in the past decade Bevacizumab Sunitinib Temsirolimus Sorafenib Interferon alfaInterleukin-2 RCC = renal cell cancer
RCC: what are the challenges that we face in the next decade? Optimising outcomes in RCC through best use of available agents in combination or sequence Redefining the role of immunotherapy in the era of novel agents Establishing the optimal dose and regimen of novel agents in RCC and whether dose escalation improves outcomes Examining how the nature of the targets for novel therapies in RCC influences side-effect profiles Determining the role of novel agents in specific patient groups (e.g. those with brain metastases, patients with non-clear-cell tumours) Identification of validated biomarkers