by: Beilul Woldebruk
South sudan shares a border of the North or East Africa real close to Ethiopia
Why are people in south Sudan missing food ? How is the government helping to get the supplies that they need ? What is Sudan doing to help the village to stay alive and on there feet ?
They went to war with their government and was trying to stop them so they could get the food that they need. The government had their food aid to get the supplies that they needed.
Sudan has been facing these drought problem for decades now but it had made its ways to get bigger in People have been on a little amount of food because of the drought.
High prices reflect the fact that Sudan barely able to harvest any crops. South Sudanese are eating about a half a meal a day or even less. Mothers give there food to their children to keep them alive.
The Sudanese people that have been affected by this disturbance have a lack of nutrients. Women with children have a higher risk witch they don’t have too many vitamins to regain with little food.
"Quick Facts: What You Need to Know about the South Sudan Crisis." Mercy Corps. 21 Sept Web. 11 Nov South Sudan Faces Hunger Emergency | Global Food Security. (n.d.). Retrieved December 1, 2015, from “Undernourishment around the world”. (n.d.). Retrieved December 1, 2015, from Undernourishment around the world. (n.d.). Retrieved December 1, 2015, from Famine in South Sudan. (n.d.). Retrieved December 3, 2015, from