Whanau Hui – Wednesday 4 th November
Welcome He mihi ki a koutou ko te whānau. Nau mai harae mai ki tō tātou hui. Nō reira, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou, tēnā koutou katoa, This is a heartfelt greeting to you all, the families. Welcome, welcome to our meeting. Greetings to you all
The format for tonight… Opening and welcome Sharing of the PD that the staff have been involved in for last 2 years The Te Reo programme that has been developed including the experience continuum Where to for us Open discussion Supper / coffee / tea
Te Reo PD The Te Reo PD was fully funded by the Ministry of Education. Sharron Fabish has facilitated for the last two years This has involved in class visits, staff meetings, full day workshops, feedback 2014 – focus was on classroom delivery 2015 – focus was on developing our Patoka Te reo programme All staff have given 100% helped also by the enthusiasm from our students We have been able to utilise the strengths of our students
The Patoka School Te Reo Curriculum Shared as a Word document. By learning Te Reo and becoming aware of the Tikanga, the students at Patoka School will begin to build and develop shared cultural understandings. For our Māori students this focus will allow them to strengthen their own identities, a focus point that was raised by members of our own Māori Community. The development of this document provides teachers with guidelines that will enable them to continue to challenge and grow all of our students in their knowledge of Te Reo. It is based on the Māori mainstream document Te Aho Arataki Marau mo te ako I te Reo Māori. Our Cultural / Experience continuum and Graduate learning profile in Maori have been developed to support the delivery document. Emphasis is placed on our teachers not only being the facilitators in the teaching of Te Reo, but also being learners. At Patoka we have a number of students who come with rich knowledge and experiences in Te Reo and the Tikanga, and teachers are actively encouraged to use them as experts within the teaching programmes. The delivery of Te Reo is considered most effective when it is integrated with other learning, however the explicit teaching of Te Reo also has a place. Document shared
The Experience Continuum
Where to from here The most important resource that a school has is its staff The need to keep investing in their professional growth and learning is key to the success we can have as school We have been accepted for a third year of Te Reo PD. This is fortunate as the MOE have changed the way they do things Our third year of PD will complete the jigsaw and will focus on teacher competency Our facilitator will continue to support us and provide us with feedback on our learning
Acknowledging the support We must acknowledge the continued support from Sharron fabish Lisa Chittick and Keri Horton for the passion and enthusiasm with Kapa Haka You – the whanau for taking an interest in your child’s learning We are always looking for other helpers who can provide assistance in providing rich and authentic learning opportunities for our students, or even simply sharing stories of Maori past and present
General discussion An opportunity for you to provide feedback on what we are doing, what you think we can do and ways that you think you may be able to help