Finance Committee
Our Presentation is broken down into Three segments: 1 – Sources of Funds and Income 2- Operating Costs and Expenses 3- Long Term Study for a New Church
Weekly Sunday Collections = $ 42, Parties throughout the Year = $ 10, Bulletin and Advertising = $ 1, Donations = $ 4, Hall income (coffee/ Pastry) = $ Masses, Rosary, Weddings, etc. = $ Pledges & Founder Seed Money = $ 6, Total of = $65,950.65
Church Rental Fee = $ 0 Priest Salary and Expenses = $ 23, Priest residency = $ 12, Furniture and House hold = $ 6, Church Supplies, Wardrobe, Sports, office supplies, Priest Assistance = $ 11, Church Registration & Diocese = $ Total = $55,398.43
REVENUE EXPENSES Collections Parties Bulletin Donations Coffee & Pastry Special Masses Pledges and Founder Seed Etc… TOTAL Revenue = $65, Net Income Salaries Resident Church Rent Diocese Office Registration Etc… TOTAL Expenses = $55, $10,552.22
STEP 1: SHORT TERM GOAL STEP 2: ULTIMATE GOAL Buying an existing Church or Industrial building Requires a good down Payment Guarantor Balance sheet Depending on cost of the Church It is possible with 25% down Example of a solution: 100 $3000 each = $300,000 Building our own Church A long process Expensive We will need money upfront High interest rate for commercial land Its duable if all puts our hand together to build for our kids future
1. Pre-authorized monthly giving: Personal and Businesses 2. Golf Tournament July 2012 3. Major Fundraising Party 4. Businesses outside the community
Our SHORT TERM GOAL is to continue supporting and maintaining a STATUS QUO of the existing church. Our LONG TERM GOAL is for one day (WE HOPE SOON) to have our OWN CHURCH with all its necessary facilities. Keep in mind that we are building for the next generation “ OUR KIDS “. God Bless You All.