Maria Febi C. Billones January 13, 2010
R.Q. 61 y/o Female Married Bicutan
Known diabetic x 15 years Initially presented with 3 P’s & weight loss Prescribed with Glibenclamide 5mg BID however with poor compliance
Known hypertensive x 5 years HBP 150/100 UBP 120/90 No medications taken
1 year PTC patient noticed easy fatigability usually after simple household chores associated with dyspnea on exertion She also experienced occasional chest heaviness lasting almost the whole day aggravated by work and relieved temporarily by rest
3 months PTC noted worsening of symptoms hence had herself an ECG and Chest Xray in a nearby laboratory clinic However, results revealed “within normal limits” on ECG and “Atheromatous Aorta” on Xray hence decided not to seek medical consult
Persistence of dyspnea as well as easy fatigability prompted consult. (-) cough, colds, orthopnea, PND, edema (-)
(-) weight loss (-) dizziness (+) headache, occasional (+) nape pains, occasional (-) blurring of vision (-) nausea (-) vomiting (-) abdominal pain (-) diarrhea (-) constipation (+) polyuria (+) polydipsia (+) nocturia (-) oliguria (-) paresthesias (-) fever
s/p Total Hysterectomy for multiple myoma, 1978 at UDMC s/p breast cyst excision, 1972 (-) asthma, allergy, PTB
Diabetes PTB Hypertension Schizophrenia Brain Tumor
previous smoker 1-2 sticks/day x 1 yr (1978) occasional alcoholic beverage drinker College Graduate, previously worked in a bank Eventually lost her job and currently on financial crisis
Nulligravid Underwent total hysterectomy for multiple myomas at 28 y/o Menarche at 16 y/o, monthly regular interval, 5 days duration, moderate amount, (-) dysmenorrhea
General Survey Conscious, coherent, not in respiratory distress Vital Signs BP 150/90 HR 58 RR 22 Temp 37.1 Wt 70.3kgHt 161cm BMI 27
HEENT pink conjunctivae, anicteric sclerae, no nasoaural discharge, no tonsillopharyngeal congestion Neck No anterior neck mass, no cervical lymphadenopathy, no neck vein engorgement
Chest/Lungs Equal chest expansion, no retractions, clear breath sounds Heart Adynamic precordium, bradycardic, regular rhythm, distinct heart sounds, apex beat at 5 th ICS LMCL, no murmur Abdomen Flabby, (+) incision scar, infraumbilical area, normoactive bowel sounds, soft, non-tender
Extremities Full and equal pulses, pink nailbeds, no edema, no cyanosis, no jaundice Neuro Exam Awake, alert, follows commands, oriented Cranial Nerves 1 – N/A; 2 – pupils 3mm EBRTL; 3,4,6 – full & equal EOMs; 5 – brisk corneals; 7 – no facial asymmetry; 8 – intact gross hearing; 9,10 – good gag, 11 – good shoulder shrug, 12 – tongue midline
Neuro Exam MMT – 5/5 all extremities Sensory – 100% intact DTRs - ++ Cerebellars: no dysmetria Meningeals: supple neck, no incontinence
t/c Chronic Stable Angina Pectoris DM Type 2, non-insulin requiring, Obese I t/c DM nephropathy Hypertension Stage 1, uncontrolled
Diagnostic FBS, BUN, Crea, Na, K, Cl, Ca, Mg Urinalysis 12-L ECG Therapeutics Metformin 500mg BID Losartan 50mg OD
Lifestyle Modification Low salt low fat diet, low protein high fiber diet Daily BP monitoring, sugar monitoring Refer to Ophtha
Among diabetic patients, what is the sensitivity and specificity of 24 hr urine albumin vs urine micral test in early detection of DM nephropathy?
P – patients with diabetes I –24 hr urine albumin vs urine micral test O – in early detection of DM nephropathy M – cross sectional studies
Among long term diabetic patients, which is more effective between ACE-inhibitor and Angiotensin-receptor blocker in delaying the progression of diabetic nephropathy?
P – patients with long term diabetes (>10yrs) I – ACE inhibitor vs ARB O – in delaying the progression of diabetic nephropathy M – randomized control trial
Thank you...