1 business investment and jobs David Cockroft, Assistant Director: City Centre and Development Services
2 about Coventry Coventry compared with: – West Midlands 5% up but with: –England 14% down – Peterborough 24% down nb Warwickshire is better than Coventry but still worse than England the challenge – GVA per head….
3 ….a city of the future… the public and private sectors working collaboratively supporting networks and forums supporting individual business attracting funding and projects our approach….
4 a city of the future….. business grants and loans…. ERDFGrants to SMEs£2.1mup to £100k ERDFStart up grants£84kup to £2k Growing Places All businesses£4.8mapplications being reviewed Growing Places Small businesses£1mabout to launch RGF3All businesses Major developments £1m £22m about to launch finalising details RGF4All businesses£5mwith BIS
5 about Coventry 8000 people employed in C&Ws 16 largest energy and resource companies 2 nd largest industrial sector renewable energy companies created at least 300 brand new jobs in last 2 years 4000 homes have been provided with energy saving measures in last 18 months –value of work c£22m energy sector…. 1
6 about Coventry re-setting the LEP agenda and raising profile of energy sector current DECC project providing opportunities and helping format new public private sector initiatives ECO should provide £20m plus of local activity Green Bridge may help RETA members too - new £25m RGF fund energy sector…. 2
7 a city of the future….. Thank you David Cockroft April 2013