New Worlds In black hole physics supports this project Vítor Cardoso (CENTRA/IST) NewWorlds, Lisbon 2012 More at
BH dynamics PRL 103:131102;103: (2009);105: (2010);107:031101(2011);109:131102(2012) PRD 81:084052; 81:104048; 82:104014(2010); 83:024037;83:104048(2011); arXiv: Barausse, Berti, Gualtieri, Herdeiro, Pretorius, Zilhão, Nerozzi, Okawa, Pani, Sperhake, Witek
Black holes have no hair One star made of matter and other of antimatter, produce identical BHs. A BH has only three quantities in common with the star which created it: mass, spin and electric charge
Why study BH dynamics Gravitational-wave detection, GW astrophysics Mathematical physics High-energy physics Particle Physics
High energy collisions Black holes do form in high energy collisions Transplanckian scattering well described by BH collisions... Matter does not matter Sperhake, Cardoso, Pretorius, Berti, Hinderer, Yunes 2009 Sperhake, Berti, Cardoso, Pretorius, arXiv: Choptuik & Pretorius 2010; East & Pretorius 2012
Sperhake, Berti, Cardoso & Pretorius, 2012
Black holes spin slowly Sperhake et al, Phys.Rev.Lett. 103:131102, 2008; 2012 Cosmic Censorship
Sperhake, Cardoso, Pretorius, Berti, Hinderer, Yunes 2009 Witek et al ; Okawa et al 2011
Sperhake, Cardoso, Pretorius, Berti, Hinderer, Yunes 2009 Witek et al ; Okawa et al 2011
Black holes and matter fields: superradiance Why study dynamics: particle physics
Black hole bombs Zel’dovich ‘71; Press and Teukolsky ’72; Cardoso et al ‘04
Nature may provide its own mirrors: AdS boundaries (“covariant box”) Cardoso & Dias ’04 Massive bosons Detweiler ‘80; Cardoso & Yoshida ’05; Dolan ‘07 Interesting as effective description Proxy for more complex interactions Arise as interesting extensions of GR (Brans-Dicke or generic scalar-tensor theories; quadratic f(R)) Axiverse scenarios (moduli and coupling constants in string theory, Peccei-Quinn mechanism in QCD, etc) Arvanitaki et al ‘10
Full numerical results: are these fits reliable all the way? Pani et al, Phys.Rev.Lett. (2012);Witek et al, in preparation For j=0.99 and =0.4, M. Within factor 2 of slow-rotation fit.
Proca instability For a 10 million solar mass BH
Brenneman et al, ApJ736, 103 (2011)
Depend very mildly on the fit coefficient and on the threshold τ Salpeter → timescale for accretion at the Eddington limit Proca instability
Black hole dynamics is an important and exciting topic. GW-related physics is quickly being explored, but much to do at other levels, specifically HEP, and superradiance-related: Is Cosmic Censorship vital for our understanding of the universe? Is it preserved? Can we use BHs to tell the underlying gravity theory? Can we “hear” the theory? Much to do at the black hole bomb level: nonlinear development Astrophysics: coupling to matter, can it deffuse the instability? Cardoso et al, PRL107:241101, 2011 Yunes et al PRD81, , 2012
Thank you
Witek et al, in preparation