John Li Jeff Lee
1.1.1 Hardware, software, information Technology Hardware --The physical machinery and devices that make up a computer system. Software -- the programs and instructions used to run the system. Information Technology -- The development, implementation, and maintenance of computer hardware and software systems to organize and communicate information electronically.
1.1.2 Types of Computer Main frame computer -- a large digital computer serving users and occupying a special air- conditioned room Mainframe Computer Network computer -- A computer with minimal memory, disk storage and processor power designed to connect to a network, especially the internet Personal Coputer -- A small, relatively inexpensive computer designed for an individual user.
1.1.2 Types of Computer Laptop -- a small portable computer that is small enough to sit on your lap. Personal digital assistant (PDA) -- a handheld device that combines computing, telephone/fax, Internet and networking features. Notebook Computer -- An extremely lightweight personal computer. Notebook computers typically weigh less than 6 pounds and are small enough to fit easily in a briefcase
1.1.3 Main Parts of a Personal Computer central processing unit (CPU) -- the part of a computer that controls what it does hard disk -- a stiff disk inside a computer that is used for storing information
1.1.3 Main Parts of a Personal Computer Common input devices – Keyboard -- This is what you use to type information into your computer. It is the most common input device. Keyboards usually have a Qwerty layout. The Mouse This is another common input device. A mouse is used to point to information on the screen and either Click on it or Click and drag the information.
1.1.3 Main Parts of a Personal Computer Monitor - A monitor is the screen on which words, numbers, and graphics can be seem. The monitor is the most common output device Printer - A printer prints whatever is on the monitor onto paper. Printers can print words, numbers, or pictures. Speaker - A speaker gives you sound output from your computer. Some speakers are built into the computer and some are separate.
1.1.3 Main Parts of a Personal Computer Peripheral Devices -- A computer device, such as a or printer that is not an essential part of a computer, i.e., the memory and microprocessor. Peripheral devices can be external – such as a mouse, keyboard, printer, monitor, external Zip drive or scanner – or internal, such as a CD-ROM drive, CD- R drive or internal modem. Internal peripheral devices are often referred to as integrated peripherals.