V Cadot,: 2nd meeting Leafy Vegetables 12th December 2007 WP3: Evaluation Co-ordinator-P2: GEVES (Cadot Valérie) Variety and seed, study and control group.


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Presentation transcript:

V Cadot,: 2nd meeting Leafy Vegetables 12th December 2007 WP3: Evaluation Co-ordinator-P2: GEVES (Cadot Valérie) Variety and seed, study and control group Groupe d’Etude et de contrôle des Variétés Et des Semences

V Cadot,: 2nd meeting Leafy Vegetables 12th December 2007 A.Objectives  To evaluate germplasm for pests and diseases resistance and for quality and abiotic characters  To include the evaluations in the databases

V Cadot,: 2nd meeting Leafy Vegetables 12th December 2007 Milestones for WP3 Milestone date Milestone descriptionStatusPartner responsible Year 1 month 12 Material selected for the evaluation activities of the four crop groups Done (for year 2) Pall Year 2 month 18 Evaluations started Not yet dueP0, P1, P2, P4, P5, P7, P8, P9, P10, P12, P13 Year 3 month accessions of lettuce evaluated Not yet dueP1, P4, P7, P9, P10, P13 month accessions of spinach evaluated Not yet dueP0, P5 month accessions of chicory evaluated Not yet dueP2, P8, P12 month accessions of minor crops evaluated Not yet dueP3, P5, P9, P12

V Cadot,: 2nd meeting Leafy Vegetables 12th December 2007 Deliverables for WP3 Deliverable date WP3 Deliverable description StatusPartner responsible Year 1 D16; month 12 Seeds of the selected material sent to the partners involved On going P0, P1, P2, P3, P4, P5, P7, P8, P9, P10, P12, P13

V Cadot,: 2nd meeting Leafy Vegetables 12th December 2007 Lettuce : 115 accessions  Disease resistance: 57 accessions –Bremia lactucae : P4 (CZ): 30 with 20 isolates (seedling tests) P10 (GBR): 17 (field resistance) –Root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne sp.) : P13 (SLO): 10  Quality and abiotic characters: >58? –Post harvest discolorationP1(GBR): 24 –Winter hardinessP7 (AUT): 15 –Taste and other quality charactersP9 (SLO) : 10 (WP3?) / (P7 (AUT): 15 in WP4 ?)

V Cadot,: 2nd meeting Leafy Vegetables 12th December 2007 Spinach: 320 acessions  Disease resistance: 267 instead of 250 –Downy mildew (Peronospora farinosa): 3-5 physio: P0 (NLD): 267  Quality and abiotic characters: 70 –Nitrate, oxalic acid, dry matter:P5 (DAN, SW)

V Cadot,: 2nd meeting Leafy Vegetables 12th December 2007 Chicory: 265 accessions  Disease resistance:165 –Thielaviopsis basicolaP2 (FRA): 75 –Alternaria cichoriiP2 (FRA): 60 –Sclerotinia sclerotiorumP2 (FRA): 30  Quality and abiotic characters: 100? –Shape, color, taste, history, regionalism: P8 (CHE):100 (WP3?) –Sesquiterpenes: P12 (ITA): 100 –External and internal sensory characteristics P12:25 (WP3?)

V Cadot,: 2nd meeting Leafy Vegetables 12th December 2007 Minor crops: 49 accessions  Valerianella: 9 accessions –Winter hardiness, taste: P9: 10 (WP3?)  Rucola: 40 accessions –Nitrate, dry matter P5 (DAN, SW): 20 –Glucosinolate contentP12 (ITA): 20 to 40

V Cadot,: 2nd meeting Leafy Vegetables 12th December 2007 Evaluation for P0 (CGN)  What has been done: Start made of discussing the evaluation of spinach accessions with the breeding companies involved for the resistance to Peronospora farinosa.  What will be done in 2008: –Finalize the plans for the evaluation of spinach accessions with the breeding companies involved. –Evaluate 267 spinach accessions for 2 Peronospora physio’s. Other physio’s will follow in 2009 and 2010

V Cadot,: 2nd meeting Leafy Vegetables 12th December 2007 Evaluation for P1 (WHRI) What has been done:  Lettuce: assessment of 24 accessions for post harvest discolouration (browning/pinking) a year early. Significant differences were found between the accessions for mean discolouration.  What will be done: Complete the analysis of the data in 2008

V Cadot,: 2nd meeting Leafy Vegetables 12th December 2007 Evaluation for P2 (GEVES)  What has been done: –chicory accessions selected for the year 2008:  For P2: 25 accessions for Thielaviopsis basicola and for Alternaria cichorii, 15 for Sclerotinia sclerotiorum  For P12: 25 accessions including italian populations for sesquiterpenes lactones and internal sensory characteristics,  For P8: 25 accessions for the shape, color, taste, history regionality.  What will be done in 2008: –Start evaluations –Enter the data in a fixed format

V Cadot,: 2nd meeting Leafy Vegetables 12th December 2007 Evaluation for P4 (Palacky)  What has been done: Selection of 30 lettuce accessions for characterization,  In June: Control of viability and pathogenicity of races of Bremis lactucae, pre-selection of isolates to be used for evaluation in a year 2.  What will be done: Evaluation starts in year 2.

V Cadot,: 2nd meeting Leafy Vegetables 12th December 2007 Evaluation for P5 (NGB)  What has been done: –Spinach accessions selected for the evaluation 2008 about Nitrate, oxalic acid and dry matter – No information about the 20 accessions of Rucola about nitrate and dry matter?  What will be done: –Finalized the plans for evaluation of spinach and minor crops –Evaluations will start in 2008.

V Cadot,: 2nd meeting Leafy Vegetables 12th December 2007 Evaluation for P7 (Arche Noah)  What has been done: First selection of 15 accessions from Arche Noah collections for winter hardiness.  What will be done: –Evaluation of 15 lettuce accessions for winter hardiness in 2008  2 locations and 3 variations of field trials(2 outside and 1 in plastic house)

V Cadot,: 2nd meeting Leafy Vegetables 12th December 2007 Evaluation for P8 (ProSpecieRara)  What has been done: –Reception of 25 chicory accessions from P2 –?  What will be done: –Chicory: evaluation of shape color taste history and regionallity: 25 in year 2 over 100?

V Cadot,: 2nd meeting Leafy Vegetables 12th December 2007 Evaluation for P9 (USOFA)  What has been done: –About taste, colour, appearance, shape (10 accessions?): evaluation for important property and quality for us?  What will be done:

V Cadot,: 2nd meeting Leafy Vegetables 12th December 2007 Evaluation for P10 (HDRA)  What has been done: –17 accessions of lettuce selected (Heritage Seed Library accessions) for the evaluation to field resistance to Bremia:.  What will be done: –2008: evaluation of the 17 accessions of lettuce to assess field Bremia resistance.

V Cadot,: 2nd meeting Leafy Vegetables 12th December 2007 Evaluation for P12 (University of Bologna)  What has been done: –Approval of the list of 25 accesions of Chicory proposed by P2  What will be done: –Chicory: Evaluation of 25 accessions in year 2 for sesquiterpene lactones, and for external and internal sensory characteristics (seeds to send by GEVES and IPK) –Rucola: Evaluation for glucosinolate (seeds to send by IPK); Number? 20 to 40 ?  Bottlenecks: –co-workers are not permanent employees, and are seeking for more stable jobs.

V Cadot,: 2nd meeting Leafy Vegetables 12th December 2007 Evaluation for P13 (KIS)  What has been done: –Methodology for the evaluation of lettuce resistance to root knot nematodes was proposed. –Multiplication of nematodes on artificial medium, screening for purity of nematode populations, preparation of inoculum. –10 morphologically diverse lettuce accessions from the KIS genebank collection were selected for the evaluation of resistance to root knot nematodes.  What will be done: –sowing of selected lettuce accessions for evaluation of resistance.

V Cadot,: 2nd meeting Leafy Vegetables 12th December 2007 Inquiry about the scale of notation for WP3 *Which scale of notation ? * Which data format will be sent? 1. A note with a level of expression associated. Ex : 1= susceptible ; 9 = resistant 2. A score. Ex : Necrotic Root Index, % infection, classes of necrosis,… 3. A file linked to the accession number but not advised to sort out 4. A text included in the database as “Remarks” 5. A combination of these 4 possibilities: Indicate which combination you wish. Ex : 5=1+2+4

V Cadot,: 2nd meeting Leafy Vegetables 12th December 2007 SpeciesPartnersPests & Diseases Which scale of notation?Which data format will be sent * (1 to 5) Lettuce P4 (Palacky Univ.) Ales Bremia lactucae For the assessment of sporulation intensity on lettuce cotyledons, a scale 0-3 will be used: 0 = no visible conidiophores on leaves; 1 = limited sporulation, sporadic conidiophores present; 2 = <50% of cotyledon area covered with conidiophores; 3 = >50% of cotyledon area covered with conidiophores. 5 = The data will be presented in: 1) Binary form (+=susceptible, -=resistant); 2) Quantitatively (the final value of sporulation intensity (disease intensity) will be expressed as the percentage of the maximum score); 3) Table will be prepared with these data, i.e. 30 accessions screened by 20 different isolates). P10 (HDRA) Margi Bremia lactucae 1=100% infection 9= 0% infection 5 = P13 (KIS) Vladimir Nematodes R = resistant (GI < 2, Pf < 1) HR = Hypersensitive reaction (GI > 2, Pf < 1) S = Susceptible (GI > 2, Pf > 1) 1 Spinach P0 (CGN) Liesbeth Downy mildew, 3-5 races Scoring the number of plants R, partial R and S Classes from 1=100% R to 9: 100% S 1 Chicory P2- SNES Valérie Thielaviopsis basicola R = resistant ; S = Susceptible According statistics: Necrotic Root Index: 0= no symptoms to 4=100% necrotics 5 = P2- GEVES Valérie Alternaria cichorii R = resistant ; S = Susceptible According statistics: 1=0% infection to 9= 100% infection 5 = P2-FNPE Valérie Sclerotinia sclerotiorum R = resistant ; S = Susceptible According statistics: classes of necrosis: 0= no symptoms to 5= Chicon wilt 5 = Scale for pests and diseases : scores and remarks

V Cadot,: 2nd meeting Leafy Vegetables 12th December 2007 [XXX1] For harmonization, it would be better to define 0=absent and 1 = present)[XXX1] [XXX1] For harmonization, it would be better to define 0=absent and 1 = present)[XXX1] Scale for quality and abiotic characters :Files or scores SpeciesPartnersEvaluationWhich scale of notation?Which data format LettuceP1 (HRI) Dave Post harvest discoloration % or Mean discoloration (for each day and overall) 3: file data P7 (Arche Noah) Franziska Winter hardiness 1) 1=no winterhardiness ; 9=complete winter hard 2) % for how much plants survived 3) cm for head measure 4) text for remarks P7 (Arche Noah) Franziska Taste organoleptic Same scale of notation than P9 P7 (Arche Noah) Franziska Quality (WP4) Same scale of notation than P91 P13 (KIS) Vladimir Quality (WP4) Type of lettuce (1 = butterhead, 2 = crisphead-batavia, 3 = crisphead-iceberg, 4 = cutting (leaf), 5 = cos (Roman)) Earliness - time of harvest maturity, evaluation 1 to 9 (3 = early, 5 = medium, 7 = late) Beginning of bolting, evaluation 1 to 9 (3 = late, 5 = medium, 7 = early) Plant height in cm (average of 10 plants) Plant width in cm (average of 10 plants) Plant weight in g (average of 10 plants) Plant colour (1 = yellow, 2 = yellow green, 3 = green, 4 = red) Colour intensity, evaluation 1 to 9 (3 = light, 5 = medium, 7 = dark) Anthocyanin coloration (1[XXX1] = present, 2 = absent)[XXX1] Head density, evaluation 1 to 9 (3 = dense, 5 = medium, 7 = loose) Leaf blistering, evaluation 1 to 9 (1 = absent or very weak, 5 = medium, 9 = very strong) Marketable part weight in g (average of 10 plants) Marketable yield (t/ha) (average of 3 repetitions of cca 20 plants) Total yield (t/ha) (average of 3 repetitions of cca 20 plants) 1 [XXX1] For harmonization, it would be better to define 0=absent and 1 = present)[XXX1]

V Cadot,: 2nd meeting Leafy Vegetables 12th December 2007 Scale for quality and abiotic characters : a few answers 2/2 SpeciesPartnersEvaluationWhich scale of notation?Which data format? Spinach P5 (NGB) Katarina Nitrate P5 (NGB) Katarina Oxalic acid P5 (NGB) Katarina Dry matter ChicoryP8 (Pro Specie Rara) Bela Shape, color, taste, history, regionalism 3 ? P12 (UNIBO) Filippo Sesquiterpene lactones external 2 P12 (UNIBO) Filippo Internal sensory characteristics 1 ValerianellaP9 (USOFA) Mihaela Winter hardiness P9 (USOFA) Mihaela Taste (organoleptic) RucolaP5 (NGB) Katarina Nitrate P5 (NGB) Katarina Dry matter P12 (UNIBO) Filippo Glucosinolate content 1

V Cadot,: 2nd meeting Leafy Vegetables 12th December 2007 Proposal about the scale of notation  For disease resistance : –A binary or ternary form corresponding to the interpretation of the level of resistance:  S: Susceptible  R: Resistant  (IR : Intermediary resistance) Included in Excel as another character to have the possibility to search on this character –a file linked to the accession comprising :  The quantitative score  A field Remarks (Table, text : ex Resistance by HR…)  For quality and abiotic characters –A file linked to the accession

V Cadot,: 2nd meeting Leafy Vegetables 12th December 2007 Conclusion for WP3  No apparent critical delay  Confusion about deliver WP3 and WP4  What will be done in year 2: –Start or go on evaluations –Validate the fixed format, –Computerize the data and send it to the DB manager