Geologic Data Subcommittee -- Update to Coordination Group David R. Soller, Chair Geologist, U.S. Geological Survey (703) July 8, 2014 Coordination Group Meeting
2 Introduction The purpose of the Geologic Data Subcommittee is to coordinate geologic data-related activities (development, use, sharing, and dissemination), mostly among Federal agencies. Intended to represent: USGS, Chair USDA FEMA USFS BLM NASA AASG NPS NOAA BOEM USACE …
3 Convergence on a geologic map database design Objective ranges from a set of general specs. for field and table names, to a single, tightly- defined database implementation Leading candidate for standard design is “NCGMP09” ( MP09/)
4 Convergence on a geologic map database design NCGMP09 is intended for publication of single maps. Its potential use as an archival format, and as an Enterprise-level design, is being studied On behalf of the Subcommittee, USGS, NPS, and AASG (the State Geological Surveys) are evaluating and implementing this design
5 Convergence on a geologic map database design Two State-Federal telecons are held each month, to discuss technical issues related to implementation Progress report on NCGMP09 implementation was released in Sept., 2013 (
6 Convergence on a geologic map database design NCGMP09 Steering Committee was formed in late 2013 Steering Committee plan for NCGMP09 was discussed in a special session, at the 2014 Digital Mapping Techniques meeting
7 NCGMP09 Steering Committee plan: Form a Working Group to solicit documentation on the various test- implementations In late 2014, the WG will evaluate all documentation and propose revisions to NCGMP09 Then, consider proposing the revised NCGMP09 as a FGDC Standard
8 Status of the FGDC Geologic Map Symbolization Standard User support for the Standard is provided by USGS. Includes addressing technical questions, requests for paper copies, and suggestions for additions/corrections to the Standard An update to the Standard would potentially be useful, but is not planned for the near future owing to lack of resources
9 NGDA For the Geology Theme, these Datasets have been identified: Geologic mapping (USGS, Dave Soller) Sand and gravel, offshore (BOEM) Wells, offshore (BOEM) … others might be systematically identified, in FY15…
10 NGDA – Geologic mapping Through discussions with FGDC, it was determined that a collection-level record for the NGMDB would begin to address the FGDC goal to identify National Geospatial Data Assets Therefore, a collection-level record for the NGMDB website, and 7,500 individual records, were added to “NGDA” was included as a keyword in the collection-level record
12 NGDA – Geologic mapping The method developed for creating this collection-level record will enable the NCGMP to assist other USGS geologic programs to better understand the requirement to identify NGDAs, and give them an example record to emulate
13 Next Steps Coordinate with other USGS geologic programs to identify potential NGDA Geology Datasets Continue to work toward a standard geologic map database design, which could be proposed as a FGDC Standard Continue to support the Symbolization Standard, and evaluate whether (and when) it might be revised
14 Questions? Dave Soller (703)