CCSDS Meeting data Archive Ingest - January 2007 CNES 1 CCSDS - MOIMS Area Data Archive Ingest WG CNES Report Colorado Springs meeting – January 2007 Claude Huc
CCSDS Meeting data Archive Ingest - January 2007 CNES 2 Contents CNES standards, evolution of data engineering domain (RNC) A new data standard format for the CDPP Current work on the ‘Producer Archive Interface Specification’
CCSDS Meeting data Archive Ingest - January 2007 CNES 3 CNES standards (RNC) current content of the data engineering domain At the highest level v An introductory document justifying its existence v The OAIS reference model On a technical level v A document defining Criteria for evaluating data formats v The DEDSL abstract standard v The DEDSL XML/DTD syntax v The EAST specification v The PAIMAS v Applicable rules and recommendations for projects producing data New document planned in 2007 : v Long term archiving of data: Applicable rules and recommendations for archive services
CCSDS Meeting data Archive Ingest - January 2007 CNES 4 A new data standard format for the CDPP - Plasma Physics data Center - Main existing data standard formats in space physics community : CDF – Common data Format A very good format for data analysis v Number of general graphic, statistic and analysis tools available Efficient for access and file size however Not really powerful for the metadata definition and management Representation information apparently not fully public and quite complex Used more for summary data than for high resolution data Seems not really appropriate for long term preservation
CCSDS Meeting data Archive Ingest - January 2007 CNES 5 A new data standard format for the CDPP Main existing data standard formats in space physics community Cluster Exchange Format Almost the high resolution data in the Cluster Data Archive at ESTEC are CEF conformant A significant number of the space physics area are covered However Specific syntax for the metadata Ascii files with impact v On file sizes v On access performances Other used formats : NetCDF, FITs… In practice : no standard format in the plasma physics community Consequences for the CDPP : about 200 high resolution data sets and about 150 different data format
CCSDS Meeting data Archive Ingest - January 2007 CNES 6 Main objectives for a new CDPP format A Format for the long term preservation A format allowing multiple and generic added value services To make easier the data access To make easier the data analysis Allowing simple field extraction Make easier the creation of composed parameters ( alfven velocity,…) …
CCSDS Meeting data Archive Ingest - January 2007 CNES 7 The metadata A data set conformant with the CDPP format specification includes A set of files One XML Metadata These metadata are base on the CDPP and CAA (Cluster Active Archive) dictionaries The XML metadata file describes the parameter level metadata (semantics and syntactic features) General parameters of the files in this data set : type of coding (binary/ascii), type of date/time…) The metadata can be extended without impact on the data files Metadata block structure : syntax, parent-child relation, scientific interpretation…
CCSDS Meeting data Archive Ingest - January 2007 CNES 8 Main features of the data files A very simple structure under the form of a temporal series Standard (10 -6 sec) or precise (until sec) dates and time Binary or ASCII files (defined in the XML metadata file) Management of scalars, vectors, multidimensional arrays. Management of variable size arrays
CCSDS Meeting data Archive Ingest - January 2007 CNES 9 Associated tools Read and write Java and C libraries ASCII Binary transformation Toof for creation new data sets conformpant with CDPP format from existing data Tools currently under development translation CDF CDPP. translation CEF CDPP. Translation NetCDF CDPP Tool to make easier the metadata file creation Les outils en cours de développement Convertisseur CDF CDPP. Convertisseur CEF CDPP. Outil d’aide à la constitution du fichier de métadonnées.
CCSDS Meeting data Archive Ingest - January 2007 CNES 10 Ongoing work for Producer Archive Interface Specification The document is currently being thoroughly revised Progressive convergence between NASA and CNES for the concepts and the terminology See Daniele’s presentation
CCSDS Meeting data Archive Ingest - January 2007 CNES 11 The end…