Features needed in the “final” AliRoot release P.Hristov 26/10/2006
Simulation Updated geometry and materials for the installed detectors (“Geometry as built”) –Documentation –Reference to the drawings Generators –Final tests of –Replacement of PDF by LHAPDF –New generators?
Simulation I Particle transport –FLUKA –Geant4? Hits => uniform volume identification (raw, digits, clusters) Digits –Event embedding Magnetic field: new map Additional effects: ExB, space charge, etc. Use cases: interaction types –P-P min. bias –Beam - gas –Cosmic rays –Pb-Pb Use cases: field –0, 0.2, 0.5 T Use cases: beam displacement Use cases: CMS energy (0.9,…,14TeV)
Alignment Completed transition to symbolic volume names Treatment of survey data Treatment of support structures (space frame) Alignment procedures (cosmic rays, tracks with/without field, detector overlaps, etc.)
Calibration Detectors –Final version of the requirements Data size in FES, OCDB and reference –Online calibration algorithms (existing examples: SPD and T0-TOF combined time zero calibration) SHUTTLE Preprocessors –Detector calibration algorithms –Data ROOTification (detectors) File Exchange Server –File system definition (DAQ done, DCS & HLT started) –Online framework (DAQ in progress, DCS & HLT started) –Parameters evaluation (detectors) HLT access to condition parameters
Raw data Final version of the raw data (tested with the real detector) + DDL/equipment mapping, geometrical mapping within a DDL, etc. Possibility to process all the existing combinations (LDC only, LDC + GDC, with/without header extension, with/without equipment header, etc.) No simulation information is used during the processing (no galice.root, etc.) Safe treatment of corrupted events/files Raw2SDigits functionality for embedding Raw data visualization
Offline commissioning: Summary readiness chart Align-aware simu & reco –Simulation and reconstruction take into account the real position of the detecting elements read from files that “correct” the geometry Alignment algorithms –Determine the “residual” alignment from RAW data Align data input –Read the alignment data from the surveyer files Calib-aware simu & reco –Detector response can be “corrected” via parameters read from calibration files (de)calibration –Calibration files can be read to correct ideal detector response Offline algorithms –Calibration constants are calculated from RAW during reconstruction Calib. proced. in ECS –Calibration procedures are controlled by ECS Online algorithms –Calibration constants are calculated from RAW online prior to reconstruction Trigger –Trigger input to CTP can be calculated from simulated RAW
Reconstruction Factorization of the reconstruction features. Reconstruction conditions in CDB Beam-beam pile-up removal in TPC Beam-gas pile-up removal in TPC Electron PID with the TRD Bremsstrahlung corrections Monitoring of the reconstruction quality TRD tracking using tracklets. Transformation Local -> Global for all the clusters( related to the uniform volume identification) Material budget via TGeo (ITS) Detector inefficiencies and mismatches in the Bayesian PID
Analysis: main requirements (PB) Event selection: tags, bookkeeping for normalization Track selection: general cuts, primaries, secondaries AOD: base class, standardization, content, hierarchy of AOD's, MC information with AOD Trigger efficiency (detector, selection) corrections Efficiencies (detector, reconstruction) corrections Acceptance corrections (resolution, boundary effects, vertex smearing)
Analysis: proposals from the PWGs Classes that deal with the PID: –Classes that return a list of pions, kaons, protons by defining several initial conditions Class for Event Mixing: –TSelector issue Class for Shuffling (rotations, reflections, etc. within one event) Macros to generate quality check plots (Vertex, tracking, pid, ITS, TPC...) Comparison macros for data quality checks (kinematics + ESD) High pT barrel tracking –Optimized set of quality cuts –Efficiency and fake track rate Embedding
Analysis: proposals from the PWGs Jet Analysis: Modified jet structure in central PbPb collisions compared to reference: pp, pA, peripheral PbPb Needs reconstruction under same conditions –Possibility to reconstruct jets produced in pp events inside a realistic PbPb background ESD+ESD ESD+Kine Early analysis might need frequent loop over ESDs. –Maybe only possible for a fraction of the data –Provide mechanism to equilibrate the statistics over the full pT spectrum
Analysis framework Provide easy-to-use tools to allow data analysis in a coherent way Suitable for analysis ranging from simple to very complex tasks in a distributed environment Allow splitting complex analysis tasks in independent functional blocks possibly usable by other analysis
ESD and AOD “Final” ESD classes: –Content? –Functionality? AOD needs extensive development and tests –The existent classes need complete revision –New classes
Visualization Finalize basic visualization atoms (boxes, quads, discs with different color / size / markup). Positioning of detector elements for 3D view. Steering of 2D displays, selection of modules, navigation, interaction Specific visualization of detectors
Visualization (PB) Debugging of the reconstruction: visual scanning –inspect by eye real/simulated data –one-to-one comparison with MC truth –check not found objects and why Interactive reconstruction of tracks and vertices Interactive analysis
Technical requirements Resources –CPU time: to be reduced –Memory (resident and virtual): to be reduced –Data size: RAW: all features like zero suppression, compression, etc. to be included ESD: packing, usage of Double32_t, etc. Backward compatibility: to be maintained from the “final” release on