La rutina diaria Verbos reflexivos 1
Acostarse To go to bed 2
Afeitarse To shave oneself 3
Arreglarse To get (oneself) ready 4
Bañarse To bathe (oneself) 5
Cepillarse (el pelo, los dientes) To brush ones hair, teeth 6
Despertarse To wake (oneself) 7
Ducharse 8 To take a shower (to shower oneself)
Lavarse el pelo, la cara 9 To wash one’s hair To wash one’s face
Lavarse los dientes 10 To brush one’s teeth
Maquillarse 11 To put make-up on (oneself)
Peinarse To comb (ones hair) 12
Ponerse la ropa To put clothes on (oneself) 13
Quitarse la ropa 14 To take off ones clothes
Secarse To dry oneself 15
Vestirse 16 To dress oneself