The coming of false teachers 2:1-3 False teachers will surge in the last days and display two major aspects of their teaching: 1. How long it had been yet the second coming had not occurred - 3:4 2. Encouraging a corrupt lifestyle for others - 2:18-20
The coming of false teachers 2:1-3 If you build a church family, they will come. 2:1 They try to kidnap the family.
The coming of false teachers 2:1-3 False prophets vs. false teachers Not a disposition to prophecy, but a denial of it!
The coming of false teachers 2:1-3 "secretly" False teachers (unbelievers) who will enter the churches under false colors by concealing the doctrines they actually hold until they are safely part of the congregation.
The coming of false teachers 2:1-3 *** Gal. 2:4 = "false brethren" *** Yet it is false freedom, not bondage to the law, that these future “false brethren” will offer (2:19)
The coming of false teachers 2:1-3 "Heresies" Probably not the tech. sense of "heresy" in Peter's day.
The coming of false teachers 2:1-3 Six times in Acts of "sect" (e.g., 5:17; 15:5; 24:5) Twice by Paul = "factions" or "dissensions" (1 Cor 11:19; Gal 5:20). Probably = "doctrines" or "dogmas."
The coming of false teachers 2:1-3 "Destructive" (Literally = "doctrines of destruction") They are ruinous in their spiritual effects.
The coming of false teachers 2:1-3 Real Christians are fooled by them! 2:20-22
The coming of false teachers 2:1-3 Believers who are fooled don't lose their eternal life... but great damage is done to them both now and in eternity!
The coming of false teachers 2:1-3 "Lord" not the usual one, but instead one from which is derived our English word "despot."
The coming of false teachers 2:1-3 The idea is of a Master who owns slaves. Used 10xs in NT.
The coming of false teachers 2:1-3 Simeon in Luke 2:29-32 "Lord, now you are letting your servant [doulos = slave] depart in peace."
The coming of false teachers 2:1-3 Widely used in a political context to describe an autocrat or dictator who had absolute power Acts 4:24
The coming of false teachers 2:1-3 Though the men Peter has in mind are unsaved, nevertheless the Lord Jesus bought them.
The coming of false teachers 2:1-3 Not all unsaved people deny the Lordship of Jesus Christ. Many actually confess it while at the same time not actually doing the will of God, i.e., they fail to believe in Him for eternal life.
The coming of false teachers 2:1-3 These false teachers are different. Not only have they not believed in the Lord Jesus Christ for eternal life, but they also reject His Lordship!
The coming of false teachers 2:1-3 By the shedding of His blood He purchased them and has an absolute right to their obedience!
The coming of false teachers 2:1-3 The Lordship of Jesus Christ is not something that any human being can grant to, or withhold from, God's exalted Son. Psalm 2; Acts 10:36
The coming of false teachers 2:1-3 But refusal to acknowledge His Lordship leads to many dangers for them. Fortunately, it is not this acknowledgement that leads to eternal life!
The coming of false teachers 2:1-3 These are spiritual stealth bombers! v. 2; Galatians 2:4 They don't reveal their true intentions.
The coming of false teachers 2:1-3 A prayerful and watchful group of godly elders is the best protection, but... they can still get past careful screening!
The coming of false teachers 2:1-3 "many will follow their destructive ways" better "licentiousness" These men will encourage a depraved lifestyle!
The coming of false teachers 2:1-3 "the way of truth will be blasphemed" The Christians who are fooled will be lured into a sensual and corrupt lifestyle......and the unsaved world will be happy to point that out!
The coming of false teachers 2:1-3 "covetousness" Probably not straight up. Their approach is to use "deceptive words" These guys are slick!
The coming of false teachers 2:1-3 "For a long time their judgment has not been idle" They're going to pay! Notice the three examples!
The coming of false teachers 2:1-3 Rightly understood, this is strong support for the biblical doctrine of hell! Those of Noah's day and those of Sodom and Gomorrah have already been undergoing punishment for ages without intermission!
The coming of false teachers 2:1-3 The false teachers can only look forward to "the day of judgment" and to "the blackness of darkness forever" (v. 17).
The Doom of the False Teachers (2:4-9) This is how God dealt with hardened sinners in the OT times.
The Doom of the False Teachers (2:4-9) This is one single long sentence in the original, climaxing in verse 9 with the words "...the Lord knows how to..."
The Doom of the False Teachers (2:4-9) Just like the teaching of our Lord in Luke 17:26-30 Both time periods illustrate the truth that the judgment of God fell unexpectedly on sinners, as will the judgments that are to occur at the time of His Second Advent.
The Doom of the False Teachers (2:4-9) Sudden, unexpected judgment that begins at His arrival (like a Thief) in the Day of the Lord but...
The Doom of the False Teachers (2:4-9)...the readers, like Lot and Noah, will find themselves delivered when the judgments begin to fall! They will be "delivered from the wrath to come"! 1 Thess. 1:10
The Doom of the False Teachers (2:4-9) 1 Thessalonians and 2 Peter The only two NT books to describe the Lord's coming as "a thief in the night".
1 Thessalonians 5:1-2 1 But concerning the times and the seasons, brethren, you have no need that I should write to you. 2 For you yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so comes as a thief in the night.
1 Thessalonians 5:3 3 For when they say, “Peace and safety!” then sudden destruction comes upon them, as labor pains upon a pregnant woman. And they shall not escape.
1 Thessalonians 5:4-5 4 But you, brethren, are not in darkness, so that this Day should overtake you as a thief. 5 You are all sons of light and sons of the day. We are not of the night nor of darkness.
1 Thessalonians 5:8 8 But let us who are of the day be sober, putting on the breastplate of faith and love, and as a helmet the hope of salvation.
1 Thessalonians 5: For God did not appoint us to wrath, but to obtain salvation through our Lord Jesus Christ, 10 who died for us, that whether we wake or sleep, we should live together with Him.
The Doom of the False Teachers (2:4-9) If, like Lot, we are bothered by the ungodliness of the false teachers or of the world around us, we can know that this will not last forever.
The Doom of the False Teachers (2:4-9) God knows how to judge! God knows how to deliver!
Summary of 2:4-8 If God sent judgment on the angels who intermarried with human women, And if He judged the world of Noah’s day, If He also overthrew Sodom and Gomorrah, But if He delivered righteous Lot,
The Doom of the False Teachers (2:4-9) "then the Lord knows how to deliver the godly out of temptations" Probably better translated in this context "trial" or "testing"
The Doom of the False Teachers (2:4-9) Lot and Noah were rescued from the devastation that fell on the world. God knows how to rescue the godly from catastrophic disaster!
The Doom of the False Teachers (2:4-9) This is exactly what He will do at the rapture of the Church! But rescuing is not the only thing God knows how to do...
The Doom of the False Teachers (2:4-9) God also knows how to deal with the ungodly!
The Doom of the False Teachers (2:4-9) In this, Peter deals with two great doctrines of the Church...
The Doom of the False Teachers (2:4-9) First, there will come, finally, a day of judgment for all sinful creatures, be they angels, demons, or men.
The Doom of the False Teachers (2:4-9) Those who are in an intermediate state and are awaiting that day of judgment do so while undergoing punishment. They are not in "soul sleep". They have been undergoing their judgment for thousands of years.
The Doom of the False Teachers (2:4-9) After all of this time, they are awaiting the "day of judgment". Any modern ideas that judgment is temporary or that we should envy sinners is ridiculous!
The Doom of the False Teachers (2:4-9) God knows how to judge! God knows how to deliver! And we should stay faithful!