Jesus says here, I have eternal life. This time he uses an image of eternal life, bread. He and the life that he brings us is like bread. It is a life that is meant to be brought in and digested. The mechanical image of car and gas. The food that we are eating, circulates and explodes, energy is released. The heavenly life coming into you, exploding in you, released as a power and an influence in you, changing, empowering you is the bread of life. 33 ’For the bread of God is the bread that comes down from heaven and gives life to the world.”
1. Two Greek words for life—the quality of life, zoe. Bios, is biological, physical life. A seven year old boy takes his first plane ride, is served soft drinks. He kicks back, drinking his soda, looking down on the clouds and says, “Man, this is living.” Zoe, not bios. Bios is existence. Zoe is that which makes life worth living. Hell is eternal existence. Zoe is ultimate life. Jesus is talking about finding that ultimate life. What is the Bread of Life?
2. Two options – eternal existence or eternal life. 27 Do not work for food that spoils, but for food that endures to eternal life, which the Son of Man will give you. Bread of heaven—radical life or ultimate life We have to have it—not food that spoils How do you decide, “That’s living?” Unless that’s the bread that Jesus gives you, it will spoil. Eph. 5:18 A false zoe—alcohol, not just a food stuff, but a way to enhance your life-for courage, to loosen up, to be warm, to get rid of self-consciousness; you are trying to get out of alcohol what only Jesus can give. If you go to anything other than Jesus, it will exhaust you. What is your bread that spoils? Alcohol is a depressant. It gives you joy by dulling your perception of reality.
The Holy Spirit is a stimulant. He heightens your experience of reality. Filled with the Spirit you are no longer a mere man or a mere woman. Transferring your trust from your false zoes. Your life is realized as the arrangements of a loving heavenly Father. By accepting the zoe of the Son of God your debts are paid, your old heart is exchanged, your old nature is transformed, you are a member of a spiritual family, you have a sure hope. A Christ-filled believer is not encouraged by the dulling of the senses, but we tell ourselves the truth. We awaken our truest selves with the truth of the Gospel.
1. The bread that came down from heaven. Verse 33: The bread of God is He who came down from heaven. The life is not an eternal ideal nor a mystical force; it is a person. You can know a person, you can welcome a person, you can talk with a person. God has revealed himself as a person, who cried, who laughed, who got angry, and who suffered. Where is this bread found?
Many marriages that die start off as personal relationships, but end up as business relationships. Personal relationship is a place of security and priority, able to look into each others’ eyes; there is understanding and presence. Has your relationship with God become a business relationship? Christ’s life in you cannot be a business relationship, a mere relationship of demands and complaints. Do you sense his love? Does He affirms his love for you and you for him, is He the priority? Do you get together with him just to get together with him? You have peace in the storm.
2. Jesus says: “I am the living bread that came down from heaven. Whoever eats this bread will live forever. This bread is my flesh, which I will give for the life of the world.” Jesus is not only a moral teacher. He lived morally flawless and perfect; He navigated life perfectly. His moral perfection condemns me. It does not encourage me. It shows me that I am hopelessly flawed. Bread that is not broken is of no use to me. I can observe it, maybe lick it, but I cannot experience it’s nourishment. He is broken for you.
How do you receive this bread? Then they asked him, “What must we do to do the works God requires?”29 Jesus answered, “The work of God is this: to believe in the one he has sent.” To receive the bread of heaven you have to realize that no work will earn the bread of heaven. 2. Feeding on the bread continually: 53-59, all present tense verbs—continuous action in the present. Prayer; The Word of God; Obedience Something is the nourishment of your life; let it be him. If it is not him, it will spoil.