Atmospheric Chemistry and Environmental Education in Global Change (ACE ED ) Atmospheric Chemistry and Environmental Education in Global Change (ACE ED.


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Presentation transcript:

Atmospheric Chemistry and Environmental Education in Global Change (ACE ED ) Atmospheric Chemistry and Environmental Education in Global Change (ACE ED ) n Background Atmospheric/environmental issues are of great interest to today's society and require substantial scientific insight to address in a meaningful and cost effective manner. Scientist trained and educated in atmospheric chemistry and the environment are in limited supply and the need in developing and developed countries is critical.Atmospheric/environmental issues are of great interest to today's society and require substantial scientific insight to address in a meaningful and cost effective manner. Scientist trained and educated in atmospheric chemistry and the environment are in limited supply and the need in developing and developed countries is critical. IGAC has convened ACE ED, in recognition of the importance of a strong emphasis on education and training and the need to create the appropriate infrastructure within developing countries to enhance their scientific capacity so as to deal with the scientific and environmental policy challenges facing the global community.IGAC has convened ACE ED, in recognition of the importance of a strong emphasis on education and training and the need to create the appropriate infrastructure within developing countries to enhance their scientific capacity so as to deal with the scientific and environmental policy challenges facing the global community.

ACE ED - Overall Goal n To coordinate education activities aimed at promoting understanding of global change in the chemistry of the atmosphere, and its relationship to the biosphere, geosphere and to anthropogenic activities, internationally, both in the developing and developed countries and countries in all climate regions.

ACE ED - Implementation n Scientists in IGBP/IGAC/START and GCOS/WMO/GAW have agreed to join forces and pool their expertise to design and execute an integrated approach to "academic capacity building" in developing countries. n The mechanism involves the establishment of a pool of voluntary lecturers recruited from the international scientific community to carry out the educational mission.

Developing Scientific Capacity and Infrastructure n To provide universities, research institutions, and governmental institutions in developing countries open access to scientific expertise and operational training in selected areas of atmospheric and environmental interest n Infrastructure areas of interest include: atmospheric chemistry, instrumentation and measurement systems for atmospheric constituents, analysis and diagnostic interpretation of atmospheric measurements, photochemical air quality modeling systems, and basic principals of air quality management

ACE ED - Implementation Objectives n Establish atmospheric chemistry programs at the undergraduate and graduate levels at universities in developing countries n Provide graduate research assistantships at cooperating universities with Ph.D. programs in atmospheric chemistry for qualified students from developing countries. n Initiate and expedite employment opportunities for participants in support of IGBP/IGAC/START, GCOS/WMO/GAW activities in developing countries. n Develop and offer short courses/training workshops of topical interest.

ACE ED Short Course on Photochemical Air Quality Modeling n EDUCATIONAL OBJECTIVES n To teach students the fundamental scientific principals of atmospheric chemistry n To train students on the use of computational tools which demonstrate through practical examples how atmospheric chemistry operates in the real world n To teach students the basic principals of photochemical air quality modeling n To train students on the use of simple photochemical models which demonstrate through practical examples the air quality management approach.

Proposed Courseware Development for Atmospheric Chemistry and Photochemical Air Quality Modeling n OBJECTIVE: - To develop a computer based integrated package of lecture materials and software for teaching the basic principals of atmospheric chemistry and photochemical air quality modeling and to provide students with the computational tools which demonstrate through practical examples how atmospheric chemistry and photochemical models operate in the real world.