Paradigms of Research: Knowing through Pictures The Effect of Governor Scott Walker’s Budget and Budget Repair Bill on Wisconsin Education
Notes: The only arrests in Madison occurred on Wednesday, February 18, These were staged arrests. A group of friends made up of former WEAC presidents and other retired teachers volunteered since an arrest record would not hurt their job futures. They staged a fight and then dared police to arrest them in order to create a diversion so the Senate Dems could leave the capitol and the state. This planned act would delay the vote, providing Wisconsin citizens the opportunity to know what was in Gov. Walker’s budget repair bill.
Inside Wisconsin’s Capitol
Assembly Democrats Welcomed by the Crowd
To: The Wisconsin 14 Thinking of you, With Love
Assembly Dems United
Descending on the Capitol
Weeee’re Baaaaack!
United We Stand
Mary Bell, WEAC President addressing crowd at the Capitol **** That’s my sign!!
Raw Emotion
Bubbles and Protestors
Look at the Reflection in his Glasses
Jesse Jackson: Mingling
Jesse Jackson’s Hand in Solidarity