International Linear Collider at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center 9/13/2006 Americas Regional Team FY08-09 Planning Meeting 1 1/11 ILC-Americas FY08-09 Planning Polarized Electron Source WBS 2.3 / 3.3 A. Brachmann J. Clendenin, T. Maruyama, K. Ioakeimidi, F. Zhou
International Linear Collider at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center 9/13/2006 Americas Regional Team FY08-09 Planning Meeting 1 2/11 Introduction For FY07, e - sources at SLAC received 25 % of proposed budget. It is uncertain if budget will improve in FY08/09. Most projects will be continued at a low level. Emphasis will be placed on laser development. Priority in FY08/09 is work needed for TDR.
International Linear Collider at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center 9/13/2006 Americas Regional Team FY08-09 Planning Meeting 1 3/11 Projects Overview and Outlook for Work at SLAC based on anticipated FY07 Support WBS 2.3.1PES Design Study WBS 3.3.1Photocathode R&D WBS 3.3.2Source Laser Prototype WBS 3.3.3Polarized Gun Prototype –Currently not funded at SLAC (or elsewhere) –Even for SLC engineering/design work is needed for TDR, mainly: HV, Vacuum design Load-Lock design –Desirable to optimize SLC gun for ILC parameters –Improved HV performance simplified bunching, cost savings –It is unclear where this project can be done (in US, options are SLAC, Cornell, JLab). –Expertise and critical resources are available at SLAC –Issues are manpower and budget
International Linear Collider at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center 9/13/2006 Americas Regional Team FY08-09 Planning Meeting 1 4/11 FTE Distribution in FY07 and outlook for FY08/09 FTE 07FTE 08/09 WBS (design) (add. Engineer – TDR work) WBS (cathode) WBS (laser) WBS (gun)00 Sum For FY07 we anticipate a total of ~ 1 M $ for Sources Program, FY08/09 will be funded at this level, the R&D program is adjusted accordingly.
International Linear Collider at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center 9/13/2006 Americas Regional Team FY08-09 Planning Meeting 1 5/11 WBS (Design) in FY 08/09 Continue simulations of beam dynamics and beam line component layout Continue options studies for cost reduction Beam line components / tunnel layout and integration Engineering support needed for drawings, details, etc. Dogleg SC Booster LINAC (5 GeV) eLTR
International Linear Collider at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center 9/13/2006 Americas Regional Team FY08-09 Planning Meeting 1 6/11 WBS Photocathode R&D Redesign of SLC/NLC (E158) polarized photocathodes has potential of increasing polarization by up to 5% (~ 85% to ~ 90%). Current funding and anticipated funding level allows: –Maintaining know how and equipment –Very modest R&D activities to advance photocathode technology –Significant progress is uncertain with given current funding level Projects funded at a low level through ILC, SBIR’s and other sources (e.g. collaboration with University of Wisconsin) –Improve QE and polarization (new materials, application of cathode bias) –Improve robustness protective coatings Low temperature surface cleaning Atomic Hydrogen cleaning –Improve experimental capabilities such as Faraday rotation experimental system and CTS upgrade (add. MOTT polarimeter) –Study of electron spin transport and depolarization mechanisms
International Linear Collider at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center 9/13/2006 Americas Regional Team FY08-09 Planning Meeting 1 7/11 WBS Source Laser Prototype Overview Existing hardwareFY 07 FY 08 FY 08 upgrade
International Linear Collider at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center 9/13/2006 Americas Regional Team FY08-09 Planning Meeting 1 8/11 WBS Laser R&D Highest priority project at SLAC – ‘Proof of Principle’ for TDR New facility allows connection of laser system and gun to produce electron beam with ILC bunch structure (majority of FY05/06 investments (~ 300k$ ILC k$ SLAC budget = 600 k$) Current # of FTE is minimum needed Required M&S for laser development: –FY07 (~ K$) Pulse Train Generation Pulse Stretcher and Shaper Amplifier Pump –FY08 (~ 350 k$) Pulse Train Amplification Upgrade to cavity dumped mode-locked Oscillator Cryogenically Ti:Sapphire Amplifier –FY09 (~ 350 k$) Generate ILC e - bunchtrain System Integration, Hardware TBD (additional amplification)
International Linear Collider at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center 9/13/2006 Americas Regional Team FY08-09 Planning Meeting 1 9/11 WBS Laser R&D – Injector Test Facility
International Linear Collider at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center 9/13/2006 Americas Regional Team FY08-09 Planning Meeting 1 10/11 FY05/06 ITF Investment
International Linear Collider at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center 9/13/2006 Americas Regional Team FY08-09 Planning Meeting 1 11/11 Summary Emphasis for FY08/09 is Preparation of TDR WBS Design –Beam optics simulations to support technical specification of source components –Continue work with technical/global and other area systems to a level sufficient for TDR WBS Photocathode R&D –R&D program continued at low level, current status is ok for TDR, large potential for improvement of Physics at ILC, machine reliability –Combination of Photocathode and Laser R&D will reveal needs for injector R&D and design needs WBS Source Laser R&D –Priority at SLAC, at the end of FY09 we expect to have accomplished ‘Proof of Principle’ – sufficient for TDR WBS Gun Development –Outcome unclear. Currently, level of detail for TDR will be: ‘We will use the SLC gun’