UNCLASSIFIED (U) $uccess within a Joint Resource Management Environment Regional American Society of Military Comptrollers Professional Development Institute July 2014 Dennis M. Savage, Joint Staff Comptroller
UNCLASSIFIED (U) 2 Agenda Provide an understanding of the Joint environment Reinforce Management (RM) 101 importance in leadership, communication, and interpersonal skills to support Joint strategic decision making
UNCLASSIFIED (U) 3 DoD Funds Distribution: TEMR* Role Congress Appropriates Defense-wide Sub Allots OMB Apportions Dept of Defense Allots Dept of Agriculture Allots Dept of State Allots Dept of Veterans Affairs Allots Dept of Homeland Security Allots Dept of the Navy Sub Allots Marine Corp Sub Allots Dept of the Air Force Allots Dept of the Army Sub Allots DLA Executes DISA Executes Air Mobility Command Executes Air Combat Command Executes The Joint Staff Executes 9 th Air Force Advisory CENTCOM Executes * Train, Equip, Man, Resource
UNCLASSIFIED (U) 4 Operational-Level Chain of Command PRESIDENT SECDEF NCA Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff U.S. Southern Command SOUTHCOM U.S. European Command EUCOM U.S. Special Operations Command SOCOM U.S. Transportation Command TRANSCOM U.S. Central Command CENTCOM U.S. Central Command CENTCOM U.S. Pacific Command PACOM U.S. Northern Command NORTHCOM U.S. Strategic Command STRATCOM Unified Commands Regional ResponsibilitiesFunctional Responsibilities Communications U.S. Africa Command AFRICOM
UNCLASSIFIED (U) 5 TEMR vs. Operational-Level Execution PRESIDENT SECDEF NCA Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff U.S. Southern Command SOUTHCOM U.S. European Command EUCOM U.S. Special Operations Command SOCOM U.S. Transportation Command TRANSCOM U.S. Central Command CENTCOM U.S. Central Command CENTCOM U.S. Pacific Command PACOM U.S. Northern Command NORTHCOM U.S. Strategic Command STRATCOM Communications 9 th AF/CENTAF Advisory Land Component Executes Sea Component Executes Air Combat Command Executes U.S. Africa Command AFRICOM
UNCLASSIFIED (U) 6 Vice Director, Joint Staff Deputy Operations Deputies Vice Director, Joint Staff Deputy Operations Deputies Director, Joint Staff Operations Deputies Director, Joint Staff Operations Deputies Chairman of the JCS Vice Chairman of the JCS Chief of Staff, Army Chief of Naval Operations Chief of Staff, Air Force Commandant, Marine Corps Chief, National Guard Chairman of the JCS Vice Chairman of the JCS Chief of Staff, Army Chief of Naval Operations Chief of Staff, Air Force Commandant, Marine Corps Chief, National Guard JCS ≠ The Joint Staff (TJS) Chairman of the JCS Vice Chairman of the JCS* Chairman of the JCS Vice Chairman of the JCS* DJS VDJS Agencies & Reps of CJCS J-2 Joint Staff Intelligence Directorate Inspector General J-3 Directorate for Operations J-4 Directorate for Logistics J-5 Directorate for Strategic Plans & Policy Joint Secretariat Directorate of Management J-1 Directorate for Manpower & Personnel J-7 Directorate for Operational Plans & Force Development J6 Directorate for Command, Control, Communications, & Computer Systems Vice Chairman acts in the absence of the Chairman J-8 Directorate for Force Structure, Resources and Assessment
UNCLASSIFIED (U) 7 My $uccess Hypotheses Joint Resource Management $uccess mandates—the What: –Knowledge –Intelligence –Understanding –Wisdom Joint RMs—the How: commit to and demand outcome-based, analytical rigor in decision- making Intelligence is a given. Knowledge and Understanding of Jointness are Milestones on the Journey toward Wisdom
UNCLASSIFIED (U) 8 How to Make a Positive Impact in the Joint RM Arena Understand success and what it means Recognize the importance of attitude Communicate for results Appreciate the decision process Consider other ideas… that make an impact
UNCLASSIFIED (U) 9 Debate is at the Heart of the Decision Process Collaboration is expected –Upside and downside presented –Disagreeing is okay Expectation at higher levels is that Time, Talent, and Treasure decisions will be— –Staffed widely to minimize unintended outcomes, comply with law and regulation –Insightful (i.e., key staff will state facts and provide inductive versus deductive reasoning) –Processed through minimum standard bearers: comptroller, HR, legal, public affairs, legislative affairs, to name a few Context, “politics”, and timing are key variables in changing the status quo
UNCLASSIFIED (U) 10 Communicate to Collaborate Smile Breathe Maintain eye contact Use a firm handshake Don’t stand too close Maintain good posture Listen, actively Nod head to show understanding Ask questions… to tease from speakers the essence of what they are trying to communicate (i.e., save your opinion for later) Use people’s names and repeat it when talking to them Compliment people
UNCLASSIFIED (U) 11 Other Thoughts for the Joint RM Make a habit of being a team player and “behaving”… Together Each Achieves More (TEAM) Know your customers and what they want Take the long view… behave as if you were going to be doing the assignment for the next 10 years Be kind: none of us know what we don’t know Read: leaders are readers… yet not all readers are leaders