Alex Andrews Director Honors Program Marcie Tiano Office Coordinator II Vickie Weeks & Marissa Cabiness Honors & Phi Theta Kappa Office Assistants E MAIL U S AT : Honors Office Montezuma
Congratulations for earning the Presidents’ Scholarship!! Welcome to the Honors Program! The following is information for maintaining your scholarship…
Know if you’re in an Honors Cohort class or a Section class In the class schedule, the encircled ‘H’ means Honors class But you need to open the class description to see if it’s an Honors Section or Cohort class
If you are in a Cohort class Your instructor provides a project for you You do not fill out a CEP You do not upload a project You do not fill out an End of Semester Checklist
If you are in an Honors Section or regular class Fill out and upload a CEP into Canvas Create and present a project in your class Upload your project into Canvas Hand deliver an End of Semester Checklist to the Honors office
Service Learning (only for 1 st semester Presidents’ Scholars) You are required to complete 10 hours of organized community service for a local non-profit organization (only during your first semester) You are required to submit a project proposal & reflection/final project into Canvas See more Service Learning details and deadlines in your “Presidential Scholar Student Packet” (found in the “Modules” and “Assignments” sections in Canvas)
CEP (Course Enrichment Plan) Choose an EMCC class you’d like to complete an Honors project in Meet with your instructor by the 45 th day from the start of the semester (Feb 29 th ) Instructor will send confirmation to Honors office that you’ve met with them Agree on project components with instructor (method of delivery, content, resources, length, when to present to class) You are expected to present your project to your class CEP must be uploaded into Canvas by Feb 29 th ***If you are in a Cohort class, you don’t do this
You must attend two events every semester After attending each event, you are to compose a full 2-page typed reflection summary and upload it into Canvas
Where to find Honors Events Events are listed in your Honors Canvas calendar. Hover or click on a date to view all details (this feature may not work on cell phones) Events are added regularly so check your calendar often.
After attending an event, type and submit your reflection summary into Canvas by the deadline. Summaries MUST be: 2 full pages long size 12 Arial font 1-inch margins all around double-spaced Summaries that are not of Honors quality and/or less than 2 full pages will be returned for editing and resubmission Composing an Event Summary Example Summary ideas: What interested you about the event, positives and negatives observed, does it tie into your degree program, how has it inspired you, etc. Use only the event title and date in the header Social Work Workshop February 2, 2016 What interested me about this workshop is that I plan on becoming a social worker, so this ties in with my degree program. The speaker was very engaging, and she brought several useful resource handouts for us. She also showed us a short video on what is expected of social workers, current salaries, and various types of careers social work has to offer. Attending this workshop has inspired me even more about becoming a social worker. When I was young, I remember social workers visiting our house. They were very encouraging and always talked to us about school and going to college one day. I knew back then that I wanted to help others
End of Semester Checklist (only for students in non-Cohort classes) After presenting your Honors project to your class, print out an End of Semester Checklist (Canvas - “Assignments” section) You fill out Section A; instructor fills out and signs Section B Student – You hand deliver this completed form to the Honors Office by the deadline Complete this step as soon as possible, as instructors may not be as accessible the last week of the semester
Honors Project Create a project based on what you and your instructor agree on PowerPoint Typewritten Essay Prezi Anything you can upload
What Will Jeopardize your Scholarship GPA falling below 3.25 Not attending Honors events Not submitting required documents Dropping below 12 credit hours Failure to complete Service Learning (only applies to 1 st semester students)
Additional Honors Program Information
Consortium Agreement If you need to take classes at an MCCCD college outside of EMCC, fill out a Consortium Agreement. Follow this process: Take the completed form to EMCC advisor – they will sign it Then take the form to Financial Aid – they will sign it and put it into the data base Ask for a copy for our office Note: You must complete your Honors project at EMCC This form is available in your Honors Canvas
Honors Contract
Calculating Your Cumulative GPA Your cumulative GPA is computed by combining your GPA… …from all community colleges attended in the Maricopa County Community College District
Earning Transcripts Distinction Honors Program vs EMCC Graduating with Distinction from EMCC Students who have the following grade point average will graduate from EMCC with the following transcripts distinction: “with distinction” “with high distinction” “with highest distinction”
Nearing graduation? Fill out an Honors Program Graduation Checklist
Honors Expo An event showcasing scholarly research by individuals or small groups (up to 3 members) Create a scholarly presentation based on the current theme Design a Poster Board, PowerPoint or Oral Presentation Practice, practice, practice You will present before a panel of judges Top 3 individuals travel to compete at the Honors Western Regional Conference *Not Mandatory The Theme is “How the World Works: Global Perspectives” Next Honors Expo is November 2016
Phoenix Symphony An Honors-sponsored event held on campus during the spring semester Don’t miss this great opportunity to hear these highly-trained musicians Better yet…it’s FREE!
Scholarship Opportunities * All-USA Scholarship (September) Link to Scholarship Flier * Chancellor's & Foundation Scholarship (February) * Maricopa Colleges Faculty Foundation Scholarship (Spring & Fall semester) Link to Scholarship Website *Scholarship listing on EMCC Financial Aid web pages – “Available Scholarships” section Link to Available Scholarships Page
When you need assistance: Visit the Honors office located in MON 122 Or call us at
This PowerPoint will be available in Canvas for future reference FIND IT IN THE “ASSIGNMENT” SECTION