Textual Studies From The Gospel Of Luke & The Acts Of The Apostles
Lesson 33 – Saul’s 1st Work 9:19b-31 He spends several days with the Damascus disciples, preaching Christ vv. 19b-20 His audiences were amazed at hearing the former persecutor preach v. 21 He continued to grow in strength…the Jews were confounded v. 22
Lesson 33 – Saul’s 1st Work 9:19b-31 In between his conversion at Damascus and his trip to Jerusalem, Saul went to and returned from Arabia Gal 1:13-17 We do not know for what reason he went We do not know how long he stayed
Lesson 33 – Saul’s 1st Work 9:19b-31 The Jews plot to kill him at Damascus… they do not succeed vv He escapes to Jerusalem and attempts to join the local church there v. 26 Gal 1:18 Pattern Ù saints take the initiative in local church membership cp. 2:47
Lesson 33 – Saul’s 1st Work 9:19b-31 The Jerusalem Christians do not believe Saul…Barnabas must come to his aid v. 27 Saul enjoys success, “moving about freely” in Jerusalem while preaching v. 28 Another plot forces him to Caesarea & eventually to Tarsus vv Gal 1:21
Lesson 33 – Saul’s 1st Work 9:19b-31 The church throughout all Judea, Galilee, and Samaria “…enjoyed peace” v. 31 A main reason is that Saul has been converted!! The church also continued to increase
Lesson 33 – Peter’s Labors 9:32-43 Peter comes to Lydda v. 32
Lesson 33 – Peter’s Labors 9:32-43 Peter comes to Lydda v. 32 A man named Aeneas has been paralyzed & bed-ridden for 8 years…Peter heals him vv All who lived in Lydda & Sharon saw him and turned to the Lord v. 35
Lesson 33 – Peter’s Labors 9:32-43 A disciple named Tabitha (Dorcas) falls sick and dies in Joppa v. 36 She “abounded in deeds of kindness” Her brethren wash her body in preparation for burial v. 37 They send for Peter in nearby Lydda v. 38
Lesson 33 – Peter’s Labors 9:32-43 Peter arrives in Joppa…he finds the saints mourning Tabitha’s death and holding the garments she had made for them v. 39 He puts them out of the room, prays, and raises her from the dead vv a He presents her alive v. 41b
Lesson 33 – Peter’s Labors 9:32-43 This miracle became known all over Joppa… many believed on the Lord v. 42 Peter stays with a tanner named Simon in Joppa v. 43
Lesson 34 – Cornelius 10:1-48 Luke describes Cornelius vv. 1-2 “Centurion” Ù a responsible Roman soldier “Devout” Ù religious…prayerful & fearful “Reputable” Ù generous in helping others Yet, he was lost 11:14 “Good people” can be lost in sin
Lesson 34 – Cornelius 10:1-48 The Scripture’s teaching re: lost people and prayer Isa 59:1-2 1 Pet 3:7, However, God heard Cornelius v. 4 Lost men have no “relationship” with God Yet, He will “answer” searchers for truth Miraculously (Cornelius) Providentially (Us)
Lesson 34 – Cornelius 10:1-48 Cornelius’ vision vv. 3-6 God sent an angel with a message Cornelius is to send men to Joppa to meet Peter & bring him back so he can preach cp. v :14 Cornelius complies immediately vv. 7-8
Lesson 34 – Cornelius 10:1-48 Peter’s vision vv He was praying at the 6th hour on the rooftop He became hungry…fell into a trance An “sheet-like object” descended from the sky with 4-footed animals, crawling creatures, and birds of the air
Lesson 34 – Cornelius 10:1-48 Peter’s vision vv God’s command Ù “Rise…kill…eat” Peter’s reply Ù “Not so!” Peter’s response indicates eating these creatures would have violated the dietary restrictions of the Law of Moses
Lesson 34 – Cornelius 10:1-48 Peter’s vision vv God’s rebuke Ù “Do not call unclean what the Lord has cleansed.” The vision occurred 3 times, then ceased Peter was perplexed at the meaning of what he saw v. 17a