Date: 244-249AD Height: m Material: Marble Style: Veristic What influenced this style? Realistic late-Roman Republic portraiture Historical Background: Born near Damascus, Syria Successor to Gordian III One of a succession of short-lived ‘Soldier Emperors’ during 200s Serious military unrest in Empire during this time Rome’s 1000th anniversary celebrated during his reign
Subject Matter Turn of head – common in statues of the period Trabeated Toga Toga of Roman citizen in the late Empire Has a broad, flat band across the chest
Style Chiseled Hair, close cropped - severe Wrinkles on forehead Furrowed brows, frowning, worried Eyes incised, looking upward – divine inspiration? Long, bony nose – strength of character Chiseled stubble Pursed lips
Differing Interpretations WHEELER HANNAH Phil shows anxiety of Emperor living in difficult times. Emphasises need for divine guidance Why? Furrowed brow. Eyes facing upward. Phil was “shifty, opportunistic character” Why? Expression on face – not facing viewer