Context Clues Definition: Words and phrases in a passage which indicate or allude to the meaning of difficult words within the same passage. There are four main types of context clues:
Context Clues Synonyms: including words with the same or similar meanings with the sentence or paragraph Ex: Jerome is fond of using trite, worn-out expressions in his writing.
Context Clues Appositives: the definition of the difficult word is directly stated in the same sentence or paragraph. Ex: Peggy is a transcriptionist, a person who makes a written copy of a recorded message. Photosynthesis, the process of turning sunlight into food energy, occurs in all plant life.
Context Clues 3. Cause and effect: an action and the effect of that action demonstrates the definition of a difficult word in a sentence or paragraph. Ex: Since nobody came to the first voluntary work session, attendance for the second session is mandatory for all members.
Context Clues Comparison and Contrast: the similarities and differences between a difficult word and other words in a sentence or paragraph indicates the definition of the difficult word. Ex: Unlike her two sisters who were tall and slim, Carrie was short and buxom.
Other Types of Context Clues Series: the definition of a difficult word is evident by a series, or group, of words listed with the difficult word. Ex: The dulcimer, fiddle, and banjo are all popular among the Appalachian Mountain people.
Other Types of Context Clues Tone and setting Ex: The streets filled with bellicose protestors, who pushed and shoved their way through the frantic bystanders. The scene was no longer peaceful and calm as the marchers had promised it would be.
Other Types of Context Clues 7. Association with other words in the sentence Ex: Carol is one of the most talented students ever to have attended Walkertown Middle School. She has won many awards in art, music, and theatre. She also writes poetry and short stories for the school paper and creates video games. She is on the basketball team and runs road races in the summer. Carol’s talents are innumerable.