Pets Dogs cause they can play fetch cats suck cause they cant do anything all they can do is play with is balls of yarn
Sport team The radiers cause I no they lose but ther still cool The radiers cause I no they lose but ther still cool
Favorite tv show Team omy zoomy cause shows that I can still learn by watching little kid shows Team omy zoomy cause shows that I can still learn by watching little kid shows
Thing I had never done Pass a test Pass a test
Childhood memory When I was 7 I was wering just a shirt and no pants and under wear and I ran out side when my sisters friend saw me and it was endbaressing that’s me child hood memory When I was 7 I was wering just a shirt and no pants and under wear and I ran out side when my sisters friend saw me and it was endbaressing that’s me child hood memory
Movies Forestgum, twilit bracking dawn and red dawn, Forestgum, twilit bracking dawn and red dawn,
Where I was born Handford hospetal Handford hospetal
music my favorite bands are hollywood undead and 1 direction
color My favorite color is red My favorite color is red
Favorite food My favorite food is karne acada and tacos My favorite food is karne acada and tacos