OFFENSIVE TEAM DEFENSIVE TEAM Pulled foot No control of ball Trapped ball Missed tag or base Obstruction Missed base Left base early Runner didn’t tag up Interference
Avoid coaches and players if possible Leave field from location of least resistance Return game balls to home bench Resist discussing game until away from field
Rulings made in the game Were the rules correctly interpreted & enforced? Did we confer with our partner on any plays? Should we? How did the rulings affect the play or outcome?
Unusual plays during game Were we prepared for the play? Were we in position to make the correct call? Did we move to get in position? What could we do to officiate the play better?
Pregame plan Did we follow our pregame plan? Did we anticipate plays that occurred? Were we prepared when the play happened? Did we respond properly? What can we do to be better prepared?
What did we do well Did we use correct mechanics? Did we work as a team? Did we correctly enforced the rules? Were we in the proper position to make calls? Were our calls consistent? Strike zone?
What did we screw up Were we out of position? Did we incorrectly enforce a rule? Did we correct any mistakes? How did the screw up affect the game? Did our calls agitate the coaches? Did we fail to give the game our best effort?
On the drive home review your performance Be honest in your evaluation What areas do I need improvement? What rules am I questioning?