Creating Areas of Interaction Logos
Approaches to Learning: Approaches to Learning: is concerned with the development of effective study skills, sometimes referred to as “learning how to learn”. The aim is to develop the intellectual discipline and habits of mind that enable the capacity for problem-solving and decision-making. Referred to as ATL, it provides students with the tools to take responsibility for their own learning. ATL skills are explicitly taught and reinforced in all subjects. How do I learn best? How do I communicate my understanding?
Community and Service: Community and Service: encourages students to explore and be aware of issues in communities. They are challenged to transfer their skills gained in the classroom to help communities. An important feature of this area of interaction is reflection and students are taught to reflect upon their experiences and contemplate ways of making a difference for others. Over the five years of the programme, Community and Service in the MYP will connect students to the Creativity, Action and Service (CAS) component of the IB Diploma Programme. How do we live in relation to each other? How can I contribute to the community, school, local and global? How can I help others?
Environment: Environment: is the area that promotes the importance of conservation and asks students to accept responsibility for maintaining a natural and built world, fit for present and future generations. Where do we live? What resources do we have or need?
Health & Social Education: Health & Social Education: prepares students to make informed decisions that will result in a physically, mentally and socially happy life. Through Health and Social Education, students develop responsibility for their own well-being, while remaining sensitive to the personal and cultural needs of others. How can I look after myself and others? How do I think and act? How am I changing?
Homo faber: Homo faber: (People as Creators) is concerned with the products of the inventive genius of people and their impact on society and on the human mind. Students learn to appreciate the human capacity and drive to transform, enjoy and improve the quality of life over time. Why and how do we create? What are the consequences?
Approaches to Learning
Community and Service
Homer faber
Health and Social Education
What is the purpose of this logo? What mediums will this logo be published in? What is the intended audience for the logo? One of the most important reasons to have the AoI logos is to promote recognition and awareness. We want our MYP students to remember recognize each AoI wherever he or she may see it. Current statistics indicate that the average child can recognize and identify over 85 corporate images.
1.Immediate impact. Your logo should catch the viewer's eye and hold the viewer's attention. Consider the logo of Apple Computers; the graphic apple with a stylized bite taken out of it has immediate product and corporate identification with consumers. An effective logo "grabs" attention. 2.In addition to impact, a good logo must be good to look at. An effective logo should have the look and feel of "art“. If a logo is not appealing to the eye it will defeat its purpose - attracting attention and providing effective identification. 3.The best logos are the most memorable logos. The Apple Computer "Apple" logo and the McDonald's Hamburgers "golden arches" are great logos because they are memorable to the point of being iconic.