Case Study European Space Agency (ESA) - Service Support Environment (SSE) Y. Coene, Spacebel R. Dobrik, Oracle P.G. Marchetti, ESA EOP-G
Problem Challenges Earth Observation (EO) data potential not fully exploited Geographic Information Systems (GIS) could benefit from EO data Capture synergies from improving the use of dispersed, heterogeneous data Engage with network of service partners by delivering joint, cost- effective solutions IT Challenges Cost-effective support to business processes of partners Correlate data from different sources (transformation, harmonisation) Use simple, standard technologies that partners can easily adopt
O il spill detection processor ERS SAR online data access Ship detection processor ERS SAR online data access ERS SAR catalogue Envisat ASAR catalogue RadarSat catalogue Wave height & direction model Parallel cross catalogue search On-line data access ERS and ENVISAT Ship detection Oil spill detection Problem (Real Life Decision Support) Create layers by transformation, reprojection, rescaling and mosaicing. Need: Protect Environment after oil spill
Objective Orchestrate synchronous and asynchronous Web Services for online and offline processes Provide an overarching infrastructure, neutrally managed by ESA Empower service providers through a business process management platform Easily deploy and deliver services to users from own infrastructure without additional expenditures Minimize service providers’ upfront investments Open standards to facilitate adoption and evolution
Approach Service Partner C Service Partner B Service Partner A Oracle BPEL PM “Network of service partners” BPEL Solution Design Management Console Engine
Results SSE is pre-operational – Integrated and automated business processes In-flight process activity monitoring Over 20 service partners Sample applications –Multi-catalogue access, on-line data access, oil spill detection, fire risk, Kyoto protocol verification, desert locust, land use, snow cover, tidal currents, etc.
Critical Success Factors: Lessons Learned Provide an overarching infrastructure –Extensible in response to service partner requirements –Neutral, to foster emergence of a “network” Empower service partners –Easily promote and extend own services –Maintain full control on own IT infrastructure and intellectual property rights (IPR) Use open standards to –Minimize upfront investments –Improve cost-efficiency