Archaic Art 1 Sculpture
Auxerre Goddess Daedalic Sculpture C. 630 BC “Crete”
The Peplos Kore Kore C. 530 BC Athens
The Berlin Goddess C 570 BC Attica
Delos Nike C. 550 DelosArchermos “Farshooter [Apollo, receive this] fine figure [..., worked by] the skills of Archermos, from the Chian Mikkiades, [dwelling in]...the paternal city of Melas.”
Kroisos from Anavyssos Kouros Grave marker C BC Athens
Kleobis and Biton C.590 BC Delphi Polymedes from Argos
The Calf-bearer C. 570 BC Athens
Naxian Sphinx C. 560 Delphi
Rampin Horseman C BC Athens
Grave Stele
C. 530 Attica Inscribed on the base: to dear Me[gakles], on his death, his father with his dear mother set [me] up as a monument
Stele of Aristion C. 510 BC Athens
Stone Lion C. 7 th century BC Delos
Bronze statue of a Spartan C. 540 BC
Apollo C. 520 BC Attica