Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment Types of Shin Splints Causes, Symptoms, and Treatment
Shin Splints Broad term for pain along the medial border of tibia where muscles attach to bone. Inflammation of muscles, tendons, and bone tissue (periosteum)
Shin Splints Factors Causes Flat feet or abnormally rigid arches Exercising with improper or worn footwear 1.OVERUSE sudden changes – frequency, duration (longer distances), intensity (hills) Occurs to runners, dancers, military recruits
Symptoms 1. sharp or dull or throbbing pain 2. Aggravated by touch 3. Occurs during and after an exercise bout PREVENTION: Wear proper fitting shoes Slowly build fitness levels And PREVENTION
TREATMENT REST – main cause is overuse so change activity – swim, bike instead of running NSAID ICE and COMPRESSION FLEXIBILITY EXERCISES ORTHOTICS – support arch SURGERY
Anterior Compartment
Compartment Syndrome Tibialis anterior is surrounded by a sheath that can swell due to increase pressure thus jeopardizes the function of muscles, nerves, and arteries to the foot Pressure builds to dangerous levels S&S – pain in the muscle belly that does not go away with rest. Later stages: numbness, paralysis = surgery
Compartment Syndrome
Stress Fracture Small cracks in the tibia caused by stress/over- training Bone scan or MRI needed for diagnosis – shows healing process Causes: hard surfaces, poor footwear, to much too soon
Bone Scan of stress FX
Posterior Tibial pain Pain along the medial /posterior border of the tibia Sometimes called periostitis – inflammation of periosteum ( bone covering where the muscles attach) MOI - overuse, excessive tighness of calf muscles, and excessive pronation
Hammer Toes Causes – shoes with high heels and narrow toe boxes causing the toes to contract Other causes – muscle weakness, arthritis and birth defects Contributes to corns TX- larger toes boxes – surgery to shorten bone
CORNS Thickened skin due to increased friction usually caused by shoes or hammertoes Soft corn – between toes due to friction of rubbing on the bones of the neighboring toe TX – apply salicylic acid pad to top of corn to slowly kill the skin tissue and the corn falls off
Hammer toe with Corn Hard corn caused by friction at the top of the shoe box Very irritating and painful Tx – correct the hammertoe and wear properly fitted shoes