Inhibitory Population of Bursting Neurons Frequency-Domain Order Parameter for Synchronization Transition of Bursting Neurons Woochang Lim 1 and Sang-Yoon Kim 2 1 Department of Science Education, Daegu National University of Education 2 Research Division, LABASIS Co. Summary Synchronization of Bursting Neurons: Burst and Spike Synchronizations Due to the Slow and Fast Timescales of Bursting Activity Characterization of Burst and Spike Synchronizations via Separation of the Slow (Bursting) and Fast (Spiking) Time Scales by Frequency Filtering IPFR R IPBR R b (Describing the Slow Bursting Behavior) and IPSR R s (Describing the Fast Spiking Behavior) Characterization of Burst Synchronization Based on Bursting Onset and Offset Times Direct Investigation of Bursting Behavior without Separation of Timescales Characterization of Burst and Spike Synchronization in the Frequency Domain Power Spectrum: Practical Analysis Tools in the Experiments Frequency-Domain Order Parameter: Realistic Order Parameter Applicable in the Real Experiment (Raster Plots, IPFR, and Power Spectrum: Directly Obtained in the Experiments) Characterization of Bursting Transition Based on Bursting Onset and Offset Times Investigation of Population Bursting States Based on Bursting Onset and Offset Times and in the Frequency Domain Another Raster plots of bursting onset and offset times and IPBR and As D is increased, bursting stripes in the raster plots becomes smeared and overlap. Amplitude of both and decreases. Peak in the power spectra of and of decreases. Frequency-Domain Bursting Order Parameter Unsynchronized Bursting State: N , then Synchronized Bursting State: N , then Non-zero value Bursting Transition occurs for Characterization of Bursting Transition in Terms of Bursting Order Parameter Investigation of Population Bursting States via Separation of Slow Timescale Separation of the slow timescale from IPFR R via low-pass filtering (f c =10Hz) IPBR R b As D is increased, bursting bands in the raster plots becomes smeared and overlap. Amplitude of R b decreases. Investigation of Population Bursting States in the Frequency Domain Power spectra of R b Bursting Coherence Factor H p and f p : Height and frequency of bursting peak f p : width of the bursting peak at the height of e -1/2 H p. Frequency-Domain Bursting Order Parameter Unsynchronized Bursting State: N , then r 0 Synchronized Bursting State: N , then r Non-zero value Bursting Transition occurs for Characterization of Intraburst Spiking Transition Based on R s Investigation of Intraburst Spiking States via Separation of Fast Time Scale and in the Frequency Domain IPSR R s via band-pass filtering [lower and higher cut-off frequencies of 30Hz (high-ass filter) and 90 Hz (low-pass filter)] As D is increased, stripes in the burst band becomes smeared and overlap. Amplitude of R s decreases. Peak in the power spectra of R s decreases. Frequency-Domain Spiking Order Parameter Unsynchronized Spiking State: N , then r 0 Synchronized Spiking State: N , then r Non-zero value Bursting Transition occurs for Introduction Burstings with the Slow and Fast Time Scales Bursting: Neuronal activity alternates, on a slow timescale, between a silent phase and an active (bursting) phase of fast repetitive spikings Representative examples of bursting neurons: chattering neurons in the cortex, thalamocortical relay neurons, thalamic reticular neurons, hippocampal pyramidal neurons, Purkinje cells in the cerebellum, pancreatic -cells, and respiratory neurons in pre-Botzinger complex Synchronization of Bursting Neurons Two Different Synchronization Patterns Due to the Slow and Fast Time Scales of Bursting Activity Burst Synchronization: Synchrony on the Slow Bursting Timescale Temporal coherence between the active phase (bursting) onset or offset times of bursting neurons Spike Synchronization: Synchrony on the Fast Spiking Timescale Temporal coherence between intraburst spikes fired by bursting neurons in their respective active phases Bursting Activity in the HR Neuron Bursting Transition in the Single Neuron Transition to bursting occurs I DC =I* DC (~1.268) Parameters in the single Hindmarsh-Rose (HR) neuron Parameters for the synaptic current