Estimating Reservoir Potential of Wadis by Waveform Inversion and Land Streamers
Motivation To characterize the shallow subsurface at Wadi Qudaid for its water storage and reuse potential.
Area of Interest KAUST
Collected Geophysical Data (Seismic Data)
Seismic Data CSG Samples 0.0 0.3 232 X (m) Time (s) 0.0 0.3 232 X (m) Time (s) 0.0 0.3 232 X (m) Time (s) 0.0 0.3 232 X (m) Time (s)
Data Processing Apply a bandpass filter of 15 ~ 70 Hz. Correct for the geometric spreading: 3D → 2D. Correct for attenuation by an estimated Q. Mute the near-offset traces within 14 m. Extract a natural source wavelet by averaging the near-offset first arrivals.
Seismic Result
Collected Geophysical Data (Resistivity Data)
Resistivity Result P2 P1 P2 P1
Land Streamer Test Test # 1 Saudi Arabia
Land Streamer Geophysical Field Laboratory at KAUST has 5 land streamers P-wave geophones 24-channel at each streamer Up to 2 m geophone interval
Test # 1 Data are collected at Saudi Arabia Two parallel lines are collected The first is a conventional seismic profile, where geophones are planted in the ground The second is a land streamer survey
1.5 m Land Streamer Shot Location Conventional Seismic
a) CSG # 74, Convention Seismic Data Trace Comparison a) CSG # 74, Convention Seismic Data Time (s) 0.2 93 153 X (m)
b) CSG # 74, Land Streamer Seismic Data Trace Comparison b) CSG # 74, Land Streamer Seismic Data Time (s) 0.2 93 153 X (m)
Test # 2 Robotec Survey Utah, USA Land Streamer Test Test # 2 Robotec Survey Utah, USA
Test # 2 Robotic Land Streamer Data are collected at Utah, USA One profile is collected with 10 CSGs In each shot gather the land streamer moved 10 times to give a total number of traces/shot gather of 231 Shot Loc. ………… Position 1 Position 2 Position 3 Position 10
Test # 2 CSG Sample Sample interval = 2 ms 0.0 Sample 550 0.0 17.56 X (m) Sample interval = 2 ms