Let’s Start Sewing! Day One
Interview Interior Decorating Company Fancy Designs will use your answers and participation today to decide if they should hire you for their interior decorating department. They are searching for pillow making experts.
K-W-L K: What you already know W: What you want to know/learn L: What you learned K: write down everything you know about sewing. (vocab, supplies, etc) W: write everything you want to know about the sewing and the planning process of your pillow project. (minimum of 4)
Pair-Share K: Share 2 things you already know about sewing with the person sitting next to you. W: Share your list with the person sitting next to you. Put a star (*) next to similar things you would like to learn..
Vocabulary List Step 1: Write down the word Step 2: Write down the definition.
Bobbin A small spool that holds the thread inside the sewing machine
Needle A small instrument used to pull thread through cloth
Pedal A device that is stepped on to give power to the sewing machine. It also controls the speed of the needle.
Spool of Thread A cylinder with thread wrapped around it.
Seam Where two layers of fabric are held together by stitching
Supply List Step 1: Identify the picture Step 2: Raise your hand to tell the class what it is Step 3: We will define these objects’ purposes as we work through the unit
What is this? Needle
What is this? Spool of Thread
What is this? Bobbin
What is this? Sewing Machine Pedal
What is this? Seam
What is this? Seam Ripper
What is this? Bolt of Fabric
What is this? Straight Pin
What is this? Marking Pen