HDTV Transfer System Demonstration over APII/JGN Koji OKAMURA (Kyushu Univ.), Tohru Kondo (Hiroshima Univ.), Sungkwan Youm (Korea Univ.)
Demonstration Jan
HDTV Transmission from APII Korea KOREN APII Demonstration Jan
IEEE1394 This HDTV transfer system(ROBST4) has been developed by Mr. Kondo of Hiroshima Univ. Internet HDTV/MPEG2/RTP 20Mbps FEC is available. MPEG2 Decoder PCI Card MPEG2 Streaming Shaper PCI Card MPEG2 (720/P60)? BNC Cable VGA NIC 1080i
Transmitter IEEE1394 MPEG2 NIC hdsend What are necessary? JVC JY-HD10/GR-HD1 PC with IEEE1394 device CPU Crusoe 600MHz PII 500MHz But if you want to use FEC, P4 2GHz is necessary. Linux Linux later RedHat 7.3 IEEE1394 raw1394 device libraw1394 library pthread lib
Receiver MPEG2 Streaming Shaper PCI Card Cable VGA NIC hdrecv hddec What are necessary? CPU Athlon 1GHz But if you want to use FEC, P4 2GHz is necessary. Linux Linux pthread lib RedHat 7.3 PCI Cards MPEG2 stream shaper card DVB Master FD source code of driver is available access library is binary MPEG2 decoder card MGHDB-3 only binary of driver is available HDTV monitor or Projector MPEG2 Decoder PCI Card
Inter operability vlc(videoLAN) media player can receive and display the stream from Kondo’s hdsend.
Thank you very much