Monday, November 4,2013 Objectives: 16.B compare and apply specific characteristics in different societies 16.A Identify and apply basic institutions especially religious institutions in contemporary societies. Focus: while viewing a video students will discover why tombs were important to Egypt and make inferences on why pyramids were important to the Egyptian culture. Agenda: Take attendance, leave remotes in their holders. Copy the objectives in red. Have pencils ready and sharpened to take notes, one handout per student… no extras… Fill in the sheet as you watch the video.
Tuesday, November 5,2013 Focus: while viewing a video students will discover why tombs were important to Egypt and make inferences on why pyramids were important to the Egyptian culture. Agenda: Copy the question and all answer selection choices after copying the focus for today. Get your worksheet from yesterday…. Review the video Directions on how to write a paragraph response Independent work. 1. The Muslim holy book is the A.TorahC. Yahweh B. QuranD. Hijrah #2 The scattering of Jews outside of the Holy Land was called: A.Holocaust C. Hanukkah B.HijrahD. Diaspora
Wednesday, November 6,2013 Objective: 16.b Compare common characteristics in relation to religion in contemporary societies, especially Christianity, Islam, and Judaism. Copy the question and all answer selection choices after copying the objective for today. Get your worksheet from yesterday…. Directions on how to write a paragraph response Independent work. Writing the paragraph responses. Question # 1: What term do historians use to describe a culture that has a system of writings, cities, and specialized workers? A.City-stateC. Civilization B.EmpireD. theocracy Question # 2: Judaism, Christianity, and Islam all consider holy the city of: A.MakkahC. Rome B.JerusalemD. Istanbul
Thursday, November 7,2013
Friday, November 8,2013
Monday, November 4,2013