Beamline Conceptual Design Overview and Interface Management Andy Broadbent Experimental Facilities Division, NSLS-II Experimental Facilities Advisory Committee Meeting April 23-24, 2009
Activities Since Last EFAC Meeting Beamline selection and design iteration; CD-3 reviews (and approval); BAT Meetings (reports provided); Front End Design Progress (with ASD); Beamline standard utilities and hutches specified; XBPM workshop.
Schedule Baseline: Beamline Design Plans CD-3 Review Remaining design time prior to procurement start: 18 months. Completion of design of other items: 13 months. Procurement start EF beneficial occupancy
Beamline Conceptual Design Activities Initial conceptual layout of beamline optics; Analysis of heat load on optics; Heat load analysis to XFD Director (review); Revised conceptual layout of beamline optics; BAT technical review of beamline conceptual layout; Initial comprehensive beamline layout (CAD model); Ray tracing for synchrotron and Bremsstrahlung radiation; Initial safety assessment of beamline layout; Shadow ray tracing for performance characteristics; List of major beamline components by sub-system; Revise cost estimate for beamline; Draft beamline CDR; Safety review of beamline conceptual design; BAT technical review of beamline conceptual design.
Beamline design refinement (in progress) BAT meetings held, now incorporating recommendations Some extremely detailed (eg SRX, despite late start), and all very useful. Optimization of the insertion Devices Analysis of optical configurations (started working with vendors to ensure they can meet our requirements – see later talk by Qun) Visits to other facilities to discuss technical solutions Engineering design activities (eg Brem and SR ray tracing) Vibration measurements and modeling (N Simos, CFD) Weekly meetings to discuss technical aspects.
Elements of a Typical Beamline WBS Enclosures * Generic SOW written and reviewed. Beam transport Utilities ** RSI document completed and signed-off. White beam components Work in progress (allied to FEs). High heatload optics *** FEA work in progress. Beam conditioning optics Some estimates made for mirror specifications. PPS EPS End station Significant R&D work in progress. Beamline controls Beamline control station Beamline management Insertion device (SRX only in XFD) Much analysis performed.
List of Project Beamline Insertion Devices Comment IXS IVU, (probably) custom Requirement to maximize flux at 9.1 keV. HXN IVU, standard 3m U20 CHX CSX EPU custom pair Optimization work on period (~49mm) in progress. SRX IVU, custom U21, 1.5m proposed as optimized choice. XPD DW, standard 7m
Insertion Device Optimization Example Detailed work by Oleg Chubar. 3. Calculate allowable IVU device length from gap vs length constraints, due to accelerator and space for canting magnets. 2. Plot gap required to get 4.7keV on third harmonic against period. 1. Calculate fundamental minimum energy against gap for different IVU periods. 4. Select spectrum!
Typical Front End Configuration Ratchet Wall Collimator Individual Beamline Front End Designs are ~70% Complete. Safety Shutter (second if required) Fast Gate Valve Photon Shutter XBPM XBPM Fixed Aperture Mask Slow Gate Valve Bending magnet photon shutter Safety Shutter Collimator X-Y Slits Courtesy of L Doom, B Gash, PK Job, V Ravindranath, S Sharma, ASD Collimator
Front End Design Progress
Front End Adjustable Slits Significant value engineering performed on the slits; these will also be used on the beamlines, outside the shield wall.
Beamline Standard Utilities Pack Requirements, Specifications and Interfaces document defines: The beamline interfaces to conventional facilities and accelerator systems; The beamline utilities at the point of usage. Extensively reviewed and approved. Reference document for design of beamlines.
XBPM Workshop: 26/27th Feb 2009 Important interface area between XFD and ASD. Experts from APS, BNL, Cornell, Diamond, SLS, DESY. Detailed report written, with recommendations and some possible collaborations to pursue. Conclusions and detailed recommendations in report (many are no-, or low-cost).
Follow up actions from previous EFAC meetings – see handout. All closed out. Example, checking of “fit” of IR Front End.
Technical Issues: Power Quality and UPS Systems Facility emergency power only provided for life safety systems. No facility-wide UPS or back-up generators. Discussion at recent CR review considering merits of UPS systems, particularly for cryocoolers; Laboratory power quality data obtained Assess the annual frequency – outages of >5 minutes number ~2 per annum Average 1 storage ring trip/month at NSLS (~1 hr to restart). Minimize the impact Modern cryo-coolers more tolerant of outages and are single phase devices, substantiating data from recent customers Recent direct cooled crystal seal designs are more tolerant of thermal cycles Small UPS systems can be specified into high impact systems Currently revisiting this topic …. goal to conclude (report) by June…
Interface Management – the Practicalities VERY regular interaction with the CFD staff and the architects. Careful review and checking of the building design submissions: written summary of issues at 80% and 100% design submissions. Much advice taken from other facilities. Careful Interface Management, and co-operation of the interface managers to: informally work with project team members from other divisions; collaborate with Erik to setup and use sharepoint ; this is a wonderful facility resource to improve collaboration in a large team; make effective use of meetings - set up when needed; Arrange workshops (eg XBPM), as needed; Hold specific working group meetings (eg IDs for long straights).
Cost Baseline. Cost baseline for 1.04.05 (User Instruments) is $65.8M with escalation and burdens. Project initial scope is within the CD-2 baseline budget. Refined cost estimates of high value components prior to CD-3 eg hutches, HXN remote station and tunnel, and some optics. Will continue to refine costs and produce a cost range for CDR. Experimental Facilities (XFD) $65,824,486 Powder Diffraction Beamline $9,897,480 SRX Beamline $10,707,772 Soft X-ray Coherent Beamline $11,239,960 Hard X-ray Coherent Beamline $10,041,839 Inelastic X-ray Scattering Beamline $10,435,753 Nanoprobe Beamline $13,501,681
Issues and Coming Activities Re-budgeting exercise; As designs iterate this becomes more important; Check prices and scope; complete by end Sept 09 and include with CDR. Completion of CDR; Still a lot of work to do, but SRX has made up for late start; Continued Engineering design and analysis: Heat load analysis of optical elements; Insertion device optimization.
Conclusions Work on the Beamline CDR documents progressing well; End of September 2009 deadline. Taking advice from other facilities on specific topics. Proactive management of interfaces with CFD and ASD; Insertion devices, Front ends, Building and systems.