Federico Mayor Zaragoza was born in Barcelona in FEDERICO MAYOR ZARAGOZA
In 1978, he became Assistant Director of the UNESCO. In 1987, he was elected Director of that Organization, and was reelected in FEDERICO MAYOR ZARAGOZA
When he returned to Spain, he created the Peace Culture Foundation. He helped the institution to become a service of peace, tolerance, human rights and peaceful coexistence. FEDERICO MAYOR ZARAGOZA
He created the Culture of Peace Program that teaches: education for peace, human rights and democracy, the fight against exclusion and poverty and conflict prevention. FEDERICO MAYOR ZARAGOZA
With the Peace culture Foundation, Professor Mayor continues to promote the transition from a culture of violence and imposition to one of peace and tolerance. FEDERICO MAYOR ZARAGOZA
In 2005 he was appointed by the UN Secretary Kofi Annan co-chair of the High-Level Group for the "Alliance of Civilizations".
Vicente Ferrer was born in Barcelona in VICENTE FERRER
During his youth, he becomes part of the Society of Jesus to make possible his greatest desire: helping others. VICENTE FERRER
In 1952, he arrives in Mumbai (India) as a missionary to complete his spiritual formation. VICENTE FERRER
From then on, he devoted the rest of his life to end the suffering of the poorest in the country. VICENTE FERRER
In 1968, Vicente moved to Anantapur, one of the poorest districts of the country to continue his fight. The same year, he left the Society of Jesus and created, with his wife Anne Perry, the Vicente Ferrer Foundation. VICENTE FERRER
Many institutions have honored the work carried out by Vicente and Anna. Some of the most significant awards they received have been: Asturias Prince Award in Universal Spaniard, in Leading figure in the history of the 20 th century by the UNESCO in VICENTE FERRER
He died in Anantapur in 2009, but his Foundation continues his labour, so that, his legacy will remain there forever. VICENTE FERRER