The Fourteen Points Read over points 1-5. Write down 1 sentence for how each of these 5 points caused a problem in WWI.
No secret diplomacy: Alliance system caused war. Freedom of the seas: Lusitania, Unrestricted Sub. Warfare. Remove tariffs, free trade: Britain blockaded German goods. (Turnip Winter, 1915) Reduce armaments: new weapons of WWI. Adjust colonial disputes; try to end colonialism: Imperialism that caused unrest in the Balkans and elsewhere.
Wilson’s most vital point… He felt that a world organization could oversee all of the international problems that the war created.
Attendees at the Paris Peace Conference: Woodrow Wilson, U.S.A. David Lloyd George, Great Britain Georges Clemenceau, France Vittorio Orlando, Italy known as “The Big Four” Who is missing?
Results: The Treaty of Versailles Germany is punished by being forced to take the entire blame of the war and pay reparations to the allied countries. Most of the 14 points are discarded, including the first 5 and #12. Wilson was very reluctant to agree to these terms, but did so because the League of Nations’ approval.
Treaty of Versailles continued… Sometimes referred to as “the politics of hatred.” One of the major causes for WWII.