THE END OF WWI: 11/11/1918 Germany surrenders to the Allies and ends WWI
Paris Peace Conference: where the Treaty of Versailles was created mostly by the Big Four Excluded Russia and Central Powers (Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, Bulgaria) END OF WWI
PEACE CONFERENCE NEGOTIATIONS Big Four: Leaders of the Paris Peace Conference consisting of Woodrow Wilson (USA), David Lloyd George (Great Britain), Georges Clemenceau (France), Vittorio Emmanuelle Orlando (Italy) They dominated negotiations There were 32 nations present
Treaty of Versailles: the peace settlement created at the Paris Peace Conference. It was not accepted by the United States. Officially ended WWI!
WOODROW WILSON’S VISION FOR PEACE NEGOTIATIONS 14 Points: Woodrow Wilson’s plan for world peace called for ending secret treaties, freedom of seas and trade, reduction of arms, self- determination, and the creation of League of Nations (among many more)
BLAME GERMANY! War Guilt Clause: found in the Treaty of Versailles, it placed blame for WWI on Germany Germany was forced to pay reparations, payment amounting to $33 billion, to the Allies
Self-determination and Mandates
SELF DETERMINATION & MANDATES Self-determination=the process by which a country determines its own statehood and forms its own allegiances and government. Mandate=an official order or commission to do something.
USA AND THE TREATY The US Senate had many issues with the Treaty and were split into several camps: Irreconcilables (Reps) Reservationists (Reps) Mild and Strong Supporting Democrats Reminder: 2/3 majority needed to ratify treaty
USA AND THE TREATY Main point of contention: League of Nations League of Nations: an international body created by the Treaty of Versailles to solve disputes between nations diplomatically
USA AND THE TREATY Woodrow Wilson v. Henry Cabot Lodge Wilson hoped to pass the Treaty of Versailles with the League of Nations included Senator Lodge had issues with the Treaty, especially with the League of Nations and issues 14 “reservations” (added to the Treaty by Senate)
THE MAIN POINTS OF THE TREATY [BRAT] BE SURE YOU STUDY THESE FOUR MAIN POINTS 1. Blame : Germany had to accept blame for starting the war. This was vital because it provided the justification for the aggression of Germany and her allies. 2. Reparations: Germany had to pay for the damage done during the war. 3. Army: Germany was forbidden to have submarines or an air force. Army of just 100,000 men. In addition, German was not allowed to place any troops in the Rhineland, the strip of land, next to France. 4. Territory: Germany lost territory (land) in Europe, Germany’s colonies were given to Britain and France.
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