Some called it this & some called it “The War To End All Wars” – it actually STARTED WWII
Impacting Individuals of WWI Victor Huerta -- this man overthrew the duly elected government of Mexico in Vladimir Lenin -- Bolshevik leader of Russia Franz Ferdinand -- Arch Duke and heir to the Serbo-Austrian Empire. Assassinated by Bosnian terrorist in 1914 J. Edgar Hoover -- head of the FBI John J. Pershing -- Commander of troops in Mexico and WWI Bernard Baruch -- Director of the War Industries Board
He led the communist takeover in Russia
Factors That Helped Start WWI Zimmerman Telegram -- A telegram Germany Sent to Mexico to convince Mexico to attack the U.S. Sussex Pledge Germans promised not to have any more surprise attacks on any ships
THE ACTUAL ZIMMERMAN TELEGRAM Things were tense on this date in This is what actually thrust the USA into WWI
THE ECONOMICS ($) OF WWI War Industries Board -- had control over raw materials, production, prices, labor relations National War Labor Board -- A board that negotiated labor disputes that would disrupt the war Committee on Public Information -- Responsible for maintaining support for the war Liberty and Victory Bonds -- Bonds sold to Americans that were really a loan to the government
TAKING SIDES DURING WWI Triple Alliance -- Alliance between Germany, Italy, Austria Hungry Central Powers -- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Ottoman Empire, and Bulgaria Allied Forces -- Britain, France Italy, Russia, USA Balkans -- a region in south eastern Europe where tension began rising in WWI Bolsheviks -- A communist group seeking control of the Russian government
JOINING IN THE FIGHT OF WWI No Man's Land -- A strip of land between the trenches of opposing armies along the Western Front during WW1 doughboys -- American Soldiers selective Service -- required all men from ages 21 to 30 to register for the military draft Conscription -- A forced enlistment of citizens of a country to fight for their country. U-Boats -- German submarines
“Over The Top” (out of the trenches) & into NO MAN’S LAND often meant certain death
MISCELLANEOUS (extra) TERMS: Contraband -- Prohibited Materials Convoy -- a group that travels with something espionage -- spying to acquire secret government information Nationalism -- Feeling of intense loyalty and devotion to a nation
The USA “I Want You!” enlistment posters copied this original British join-the-army slogan
ENDING WWI Treaty of Brest-Litsvok -- Ended russian involvement in WWI The Treaty of Versailles -- the agreement ending WWI League of Nations -- an association of nations organized to preserve peace and prevent future wars. 14 Points -- Wilson plan for ending WWI Reparations -- Payment for damages after a war Armistice -- a cease fire that ends military conflict
Prime Minister of France Georges Clemenceau (right) signs the Treaty of Versailles, an agreement of peace that officially ended World War I