IMPACT SIMULATOR DESIGN AND MODELLING Dr. Kontulainen and Dr.Lanovaz College of Kinesiology Group 11: Jon Aydt Yi Liu Devin Glennie Faculty Advisor: James D. Johnston
Problem The College of Kinesiology is currently researching risk factors which contribute to fractures of the distal radius in adolescent children. Distal radius fractures commonly occur during falls on the outstretched hand when external loads applied to the radius exceed the bone strength. Currently, there exists no suitable test apparatus for predicting the magnitude of external loads applied to the wrist during a fall.
Project Objectives 1.Design a safe fall release apparatus to conduct fall tests of children during different scenarios. 2.Develop a mathematical model to correlate measured safe-fall data with predictions for forces experienced during a real fall. 3.Select an appropriate wireless tri-axial, accelerometer to be attached to test subjects during fall tests.
Conducted fall tests on October 3.
Preliminary Testing Accelerometer Range: ±100G’s Safe Fall Height: 5-10cm
Preliminary Apparatus Design Brainstormed 5 apparatus designs. Dimensioned the Biomechanics Lab.
Schedule October – Early November Finish design of test apparatus and generate cost estimate. Perform stress analysis of test apparatus. Develop mass-spring models and Matlab program. November and December Conduct pilot tests of proposed fall scenarios. Analyze test data and adjust mass-spring models. Perform feasibility study for scaled model of testing apparatus.
Schedule January Prepare appendices of final report. Write MatLab instruction manual. February Write and proofread final report. Prepare for final presentation.