Public Speaking Workshop Oxfam Education Group February 25, 2007 John Hardisty Pat Lockhart
Agenda Welcome and Introductions What do I want them to do? What do I need to prepare? How do I keep them interested? What if I get nervous?
What do I need to prepare? The presentation (Content) Examples and stories Activities (Process) How to use visuals (PPT, Flip chart, handouts)
Process TIMECONTENTPROCESS 5 minsIntroductions and Agenda Introduce self Introduce Oxfam Show slide 2: Agenda 5 minsPurpose of NAFTA Groups of 4 brainstorm and report back 5 minsMake Trade Fair Presentation PPT Slides minsUnfair trade practices Elicit answers from large group and write on board
How do I keep them interested? Using your voice Changing it up Audience involvement – Large group – Small groups or Pairs – Individually
What if I get nervous? Overcoming stage fright Physical exercises Mental preparedness Once you’ve started
Thank you for your attention