Meet the Teacher Primary 7 Mrs. Bryden
Class Primary 7 Curriculum Procedures What you can do
Subjects Language Maths Environmental Studies Expressive Arts PSD/RE
Language Reading –New Horizons in Reading ‘The Divided City’ A Literary Study to reflect the Author’s Ideas and craft Guided readers - Stories and Plays Writing - Functional and Imaginative Talking and Listening Activities Homework French Level D
Maths Number Mental strategies & Interactive Maths Place Value to Millions, Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication and Division Fractions, Decimals, Percentages, Money and Time Problem Solving Shape, Position and Movement Handling Data Homework
Environmental Studies Planet Earth Malawi TFEL Co-operative learning Swinging Sixties TFEL Co-operative learning Fairground Electricity ICT
Expressive Arts Art and Craft - Borders Pack P.E. Mrs. Bryden and Mrs Clements Wednesday afternoons and Thursday mornings Swimming Drama Music
PSD/RE Personal and Social Development Circle Time - Assembly - Our Focus Weeks cover - Health, anti-bullying, anti-racism and - anti-sectarianism, Golden Time Religious Education - Alive O 7
Procedures Entry 9.00 Start of School day 12.10pm – 1.10pm Lunch 3 10pm Finish Lunch options and arrangements Homework Trips
What you can do Preparation Encourage healthy snacks, lunches Remind the children to be organised for P.E. days Homework – Please Sign jotters and diaries Communicating
Thank you! If you have any concerns, please do not hesitate to contact the school.