LSE London Seminar in Honour of Alan Holmans The Wider Role: Alan’s Contributions to Housing Statistics and Policy Steve Wilcox, University of York and Peter Williams, University of Cambridge
A very quick ‘Cook’s Tour’ of his work on Statistics and Policy Understates his contributions within and outside of government Alan was consulted by many and did his ‘figuring’ for many Always willing and ever helpful His policy work covered government, Shelter, TCPA, CML, PPIW and many others Interplay statistical and policy work; - policy insights within primarily statistical works - policy work utilising original statistical analyses
Statistics Alan’s contributions include; 1977 Housing Policy Green Paper – Technical Volumes Social Trends National Dwelling and Housing Survey Labour Force Survey Housing Trailers Survey of English Housing/English Housing Survey Historical Statistics of Housing in Britain History of Household Projections
Contributions to the UK Housing Review Alan’s contributions often drew on more substantial work, but also included short ‘one off’ analyses; 1995/96 - Household requiring homes & - North – South divide in house prices 1996/97 - Meeting housing needs in the private sector 1999/00 - British housing in the 20 th Century 2006/07 - History of rising house prices His work was also a constant source of both material and inspiration to the editor and other Review authors
Policy Housing Policy Review for England and Wales; the consultative document Housing Policy. Alan wrote much of 3 volumes Housing Policy in Britain: a History which discussed in considerable detail the evolution of housing policy from 1945 to 1979 (including the pre-history back to 1844) Alan wrote a series of monographs within the government (on house prices (1990), the employment circumstances of council tenants (1993), house property and inheritance (1994) The much under-referenced and ODPM-funded Evaluation of English Housing Policy from Housing requirements in the TCPA’s 1996 The People – Where will they go
Policy Divorce, Remarriage and Housing (DETR 2000) An examination of the housing needs and supply for an ageing society (RICS, 2009) House prices, land prices, the housing market and house purchase debt in Britain and other countries (DoE, 1991) Estimates of Housing Equity Withdrawal by Owner Occupiers in the United Kingdom (DoE ) Estimates of Housing Demand and Need (JRF, Shelter and TCPA plus Wales and Northern Ireland) Home Ownership, House Purchases and Mortgages: International Comparisons (CML, 2000) Housing in London: Future Perspectives (LSE, 2000) Policy options to promote affordable housing (CCHPR, 2002) Recent trends in numbers of first-time buyers: A review of recent evidence (CML, 2005)
Other Publications Holmans, A (1961) United States Fiscal Policy , its contribution to economic stability, OUP Holmans, A. (1970) A forecast of effective demand for housing in Great Britain in the 1970s. Social Trends, volume 1. London: HMSO. Holmans, A. (1987) Housing Policy in Britain: a History. London: Croom Helm. Housing Equity Withdrawal (DoE, 1996), Negative Equity (DoE, 1997), Divorce, Remarriage and Housing for DETR (2000). Holmans, A. (1991) ‘The 1977 National Housing Policy Review in Retrospect’ Housing Studies, 6(3) pp Holmans, A. (1997) ‘UK housing finance; past changes, the present predicament and future sustainability’ in Williams, P. ed. Directions in Housing Policy. London: Paul Chapman. Halsey, A.H. (1972 and subsequent editions) Trends in British Society since 1900: A Guide to the Changing Social Structure of Britain. London: Macmillan. Holmans, A. (2005) Housing and Housing Policy in England : Chronology and Commentary and The Context for Housing Policy Since 1975: Statistical Time Series Plus numerous contributions to a wide range of CCHPR reports