Social assistance 2013 Ari Virtanen Social assistance 2013 / Ari Virtanen1
Households and persons in receipt of social assistance and social assistance expenditure (at 2013 prices), 1990– Social assistance 2013 / Ari Virtanen2
Young adults aged 18–29 in receipt of social assistance as a proportion of population of same age, %, 1990– Social assistance 2013 / Ari Virtanen3
Number of households in receipt of social assistance by type of household, 1990– Social assistance 2013 / Ari Virtanen 4
Households in receipt of primary social assistance by duration of social assistance, %, 1990– Social assistance 2013 / Ari Virtanen5
Households receiving social assistance and gross expenditure on social assistance, by yearly amount, 2013, % Social assistance 2013 / Ari Virtanen6
Real-term trends in primary social assistance, housing costs and housing allowance per household in 2000– 2013 (year 2000 = 100) Social assistance 2013 / Ari Virtanen7
The number of social assistance recipients increases again In 2013, social assistance was granted to households and persons. Altogether, 7.0 per cent of the Finnish population received social assistance. In 2013, the number of households and individuals in receipt of social assistance increased by 2.9 per cent on the previous year, whereas in 2010–2012 the number of social assistance recipients decreased. In 2013, social assistance was received by 13.8 per cent of all men living alone and by 8.4 per cent of all women living alone. Among single-parent households, 16.4 of men living alone with children and 25.9 per cent of women living alone with children received social assistance, while 4.9 per cent of two-adult households with children and only 2.0 per cent of two-adult households without children received social assistance. The households receiving assistance in 2013 had as other sources of income housing allowance (69.5%) and labour market support and basic unemployment allowance (40.9%), The proportion of households with earned income was 8.0 per cent and without any other income 8.6 per cent. Total expenditure on social assistance came to EUR million in 2013, showing an increase of 3.2.per cent in real terms on The average amount of basic and supplementary social assistance received by households was EUR 2975 in 2013 and the average duration 6 months. In real terms, total expenditure on social assistance has risen by 2000 per cent since 37, despite a 10-per-cent decrease in the number of households in receipt of social assistance. Trends in the number of social assistance recipients and the amount of social assistance expenditure reflect the rapid increase in cost of living, the growing unemployment rate, and the rise in the proportion of long-term unemployed people of all social assistance recipients. As a result, people receive social assistance increasingly longer periods of time Social assistance 2013 / Ari Virtanen8