The main UK government agency for funding research and training in engineering and the physical sciences investing around £800 million per year
Excellence with Impact Source: Science and Innovation Investment Framework : Annual Report 2007
How to increase performance? EPSRC Council advocate that larger, longer term funding has led to greater creativity, impact and excellence in the research base Source: EPSRC Citations Study, Oct 2009
Increasing performance on a budget EPSRC Council advocate that larger, longer term funding has led to greater creativity, impact and excellence in the research base Previous longer, larger schemes 1988 Rolling grants and Interdisciplinary Research Centres 1999 Platform Grants 2000 IRCollaborations 2001 Doctoral Training Centres and IMRCs 2002 Portfolio Partnerships 2008 Programme Grants, Grand Challenges
Programme Grants For a world class team doing research of the highest quality “supports a suite of related research activities focussing on one strategic research theme” Ambitious, high risk-high return Major impact on the area Increase the UK’s profile More than just a large research grant - flexibility to be creative and innovative
Scale of the scheme Materials, Mechanical and Medical Engineering 2009/10 Commitment budget for research £51M Control for Energy and Sustainability £5.3m!
Strong leadership and management Exploring new opportunities Shutting down failing activities Decisions made with the overall vision in mind Advocacy Career development of team Strong relationship with EPSRC From us – new calls, strategy, policy From you – good news, advice, good practice What we expect