Farr Institute (Scotland)


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Presentation transcript:

Farr Institute (Scotland) Dr Stephen Pavis

Health Informatics Research Centres become the Farr Institute UK MRC funded 4 HIRCs across the UK London, Manchester, Dundee and Swansea (Dundee coordinating) Primarily around empirical research In Scotland 6 Universities plus NSS in partnership Farr UK is a virtual institute joining the HIRCs MRC funded 4 centres – but this was really about empirical research. Farr joins these 4 existing centres into a new UK wide virtual institute.

Farr UK Objectives E-Infrastructure: To establish an outstanding UK e-infrastructure across the Centres. Research: To enhance research productivity across the UK by widening access to well-described datasets through a prominent UK-wide portal, bringing new datasets to the research community and enhancing communication. Capacity: To develop a UK-wide co-ordinated offering for training and capacity development to address the acute skills shortage in health informatics research. Public engagement: To engage the public and patients across the UK and locally, in a novel range of activities to enhance public trust in the use of health records for research.

How the capital investment supports the objectives There are five core components of the institute for capital investments. Each of these will take place in the 4 UK sites Physical centres Safe havens e-infrastructure New data access Communication

Farr Institute: Scotland Grant formally awarded to Dundee University by MRC circa £5m (capital) Scottish Government supplement of £2m NSS supplement of £0.5m SG and NSS monies held in an Escrow account and only spent with partners agreement

What is the big idea? To place Scotland as: a global leader in health informatics research improve the health of population Drivers are both economic and health Capitalisation on existing resources and expertise Culture shift via sharing space, forming relationships, ‘breathing the same air’

Farr Institute, Scotland Two sites: Refurbishment of building at Dundee Medical School, Ninewells Hospital Lease of new building in Edinburgh Bio- Quarter – lease being negotiated for 7 years (5 yrs MRC plus 2 yrs Scottish Enterprise). Edinburgh building can house up to 70 people

Who will be in the Edinburgh building? 4/5 groups are proposed: Informatics experts (Ed Uni) Health related research academics (across institutions) NHS data experts (eDRIS staff) Over time Industry DSLS and/or ADRC may co-locate

Governance Budget is held by Dundee University Executive Group to be chaired by Marion Bain and Andrew Morris Specialist Working Groups for four work streams SP as Programme Director – reporting to the Executive Group and Principal Grantholder

Farr Institute, Scotland Specialist Working Group (SWG): Estates (AM & DR) IT and telecommunications (JM & AR) Datasets (GP, Imaging and Labs) and IG (LR & CP) Communications, stakeholder engagement and HR (KM &SH)

Executive Governance Group MRC HIRAG PI, AM Executive Governance Group Programme director IT & telecoms Engage. Comms & HR Estates Datasets and IG

Specialist working groups terms of reference Groups are about planning and delivery up to March 14. thinking through what needs to be done submitting delivery proposal to Exec Group complete work plan by March 14 (Estates & IT) managing work plan up to March 14 (Datasets/IG, & Comms). Work will continue post March 14 Draft terms of reference provided. These need to be reviewed, amended and agreed by working groups A HIRAG/Farr joint workshop will review the overall plan in Nov 13

Inter-dependencies between SWGs We need to ensure that SWGs stay joined up eg: Datasets, IG and IT Estates and IT/telecoms Stakeholder engagement and all other groups

Budgets Each group will have an indicative budget for planning purposes Where there are dependencies between groups it makes sense for the chairs to discuss and agree proposals Executive Group will review proposed spends, so as to ensure that the separate plans form a coherent whole

Project management support for the SWGs NSS will provide project management to the working groups, covering such areas as: work stream in / out scope (PID) timeline and dependency planning risk and issue registers drafting of progress reports to Executive Group minutes of meetings and action logs Dedicated Project Manager support the 4 specialist working groups

1 Publish PID to Executive Governance Group (EGG) & Specialist Working Group (SWG) Chairs EGG 23/08 EGG 23/10 EGG XX/12 EGG XX/02 EGG XX/04 5 SWG Alignment Event 2 Launch Event 03/07 HIRAG / Farr Workshop 06/11 3 Establish EGG & Sign off ToR 6 Establish agreed Governance Operating Models for the Farr Institute 7 Establish Framework & Governance for a Federated Network of Safe Havens 4 Sign off PID Estates SWG Estates SWG Estates SWG Estates SWG Estates SWG Estates SWG Estates SWG Estates SWG Estates SWG Estates SWG Estates SWG 1 Establish SWG & sign off ToR 6 Dundee Refurbishment complete 7 Edinburgh Bio-Quarter complete 2 Plan submission to EGG 3 SWG resources identified 4 Signed Lease Agreement 5 Establish Office fitment IT SWG IT SWG IT SWG IT SWG IT SWG IT SWG IT SWG IT SWG IT SWG IT SWG IT SWG IT SWG 1 Establish SWG & sign off ToR 5 Establish power & telecoms requirements 6 Establish IT infrastructure requirements 2 Submit Plan to EGG 3 SWG resources identified & secured 4 Define Inter-operability for eInfrastructure Data & IG SWG Data & IG SWG Data & IG SWG Data & IG SWG Data & IG SWG Data & IG SWG Data & IG SWG Data & IG SWG Data & IG SWG Data & IG SWG Data & IG SWG 1 Establish SWG & sign off ToR 2 Submit Plan to EGG 3 SWG resources identified & secured 4 Prioritise Initial Datasets Comm SE & HR SWG Comm SE & HR SWG Comm SE & HR SWG Comm SE & HR SWG Comm SE & HR SWG Comm SE & HR SWG Comm SE & HR SWG Comm SE & HR SWG Comm SE & HR SWG Comm SE & HR SWG Comm SE & HR SWG 1 Establish SWG & sign off ToR 2 Submit Plan to EGG 7 Dundee Building staff on site 8 Edinburgh Building staff on site 3 SWG resources identified & secured 6 Establish HR formal processes to support moves 4 Communication Strategy & Plan sign off 5 In Scope Staff identified

Contacts Steve P, s.pavis@nhs.net, 0131 2756670 Kristy Duff kristy.duff@nhs.net 0131 2757179 Colette MacKenzie, Colette.mackenzie@nhs.net 0131 275 7556