Health, Safety and Environmental Update November 2015 Purpose: The intention of this briefing is to pull together and share both Optimise and other contractor information rather than issue in an ad-hoc manner. It is the briefing manager’s responsibility to ensure this information is put in context and explained in a manner suitable for their audience. They are also required to ensure the attendance sheet is completed (back page) and submitted to A copy of the whole briefing should also be displayed on office/depot and site notice boards.
Contents: Headlines Electricity strike and stand down Optimise News Safety Alert – excavator quick hitch From the hub TW monthly safety focus – line of fire External alert – Scaffold tube fall Briefing attendance record
HSE Headlines Street Light cable strike Earlier this month, a CAPEX NL team struck an electricity cable, breaking our long run in that area of 402 days without an electricity strike. The cable was at shallow cover and laid over the brickwork of an inspection chamber. Preliminary investigation has revealed that a Genny was not used. Post incident tracing picked up the cable, demonstrating that this potentially serious incident was avoidable. This incident serves as another reminder that these cables have sometimes been laid without thought for the safety of others so… Please make sure you ALWAYS use a genny. Senior Manager stand down Following on from our successful senior manager’s stand down in June, we held a follow up event on 23rd October. The event reflected on content from our previous stand down, updating people on the progress on the actions that arose. This time, in an event led by the senior management team of Optimise, we focussed on delivering the remainder of the programme and the challenges that arise with a declining workload. We reviewed the highs and lows of the last 5 years and discussed how to make the close down a success. A summary of the agreed outputs from the day will be briefed out during this month.
Safety Alert - Excavator bucket The operator was attaching a 450mm bucket to a 3t excavator using a manually operated quick hitch. Whilst using the tommy bar to secure the bucket, it fell to the ground and rolled, striking the operator on the foot and causing bruising. Our investigation is continuing, however it appears that the operator deviated from standard industry practice during a routine bucket change. When changing accessories, the following should be considered: Make sure that buckets are as close to the ground as possible when being attached or removed Place wooden chocks underneath to stop the bucket rolling Fitting of buckets should be a one person operation and is the responsibility of the operator Make sure that accessories are compatible for the type and model of equipment Never modify or alter work equipment Always report defective work equipment to your supervisor/manager 065 Alert – Injury excavator bucket
Health and Safety Alerts from the ‘Health & Safety Hub’. The Health & Safety Hub is an essential tool to share best practice and learn from other contractors. The following slides include extracts and reminders from lessons learnt which should be shared