Progressive Reformer Project
INTRO A period of great change known as the Progressive Era took place in the late 1800s and early 1900s. The progressive reformers worked to rid America of its social, political, and economic problems. They made the public aware of the problems and insisted the government to take action. Some of the problems that the progressive reformers worked on were child labor, corruption in government, inner city slums, impure food, monopolies, schooling, African American rights, and women’s rights.
Task You and a partner will create a presentation on one of the important reformers of the Progressive Era. You must also create a hand out of key points for your classmates during the presentation. You must answer the following questions in your presentation: What was the person’s background? (early life, education) What issue/problem did the person try to change? (ex. Inner city slums, impure food, government corruption) Why did this person want to change this issue or problem? Was this person successful? Explain the problems they dealt with and how they overcame these problems. Did this person have any failures? Conflicts? Challenges? What was the lasting effect (legacy) of this person’s efforts?
*Your presentation must focus on **I will provide you with one source, however it is your responsibility to check all facts and find additional information. Make sure you include a key points handout for your classmates. ***The will be a quiz based on the information from the presentations. You may use any notes you take on the quiz ****You must create a rough draft of your poster and presentation.
Reformers 1. Jacob Riis6. Eugene Debs 2. Lewis Hine7. Alice Paul 3. Ida Tarbell8. Emma Goldman 4. Upton Sinclair9. WEB DuBois 5. Jane Adams10. Lincoln Steffens