CIRCLE-2 Final Conference Adaptation Frontiers: Conference on European Climate Adaptation Research and Practice March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal The IS-ENES2 climate4impact portal: designed for the climate change impacts community IS-ENES2 climate4impact partners CERFACS, KNMI, University of Cantabria, SMHI, Wageningen University, CMCC, STFC, CNRS-IPSL Christian Pagé - (CERFACS) Maarten Plieger, Wim Som de Cerff - (KNMI)
CIRCLE-2 Final Conference Adaptation Frontiers: Conference on European Climate Adaptation Research and Practice March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal Overview Use cases ESGF Federation Architecture Search, Visualize, Process Derived Data products Plans and future 2
CIRCLE-2 Final Conference Adaptation Frontiers: Conference on European Climate Adaptation Research and Practice March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal IS-ENES: An Infrastructure for the Climate Modelling and the Climate Change Impacts Communities Combines expertise in climate modeling, computational science, data management and climate impacts. European Earth System modeling community CNRS-IPSL, MPG/MPI-Met, CERFACS, DKRZ, FMI, UNIMAN, AA, STFC, CMCC, METOFFICE, KNMI, MF-CNRM, SMHI, LIU, BSC, WU, INHGA & DLR Climate4impact portal Impact user community Enhanced data and Information access Derived Data products
CIRCLE-2 Final Conference Adaptation Frontiers: Conference on European Climate Adaptation Research and Practice March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal 21 Use cases (5 countries, 8 themes) Fews NHI - Deltares Delivery of climate model data from different runs to the FEWS/NHI system. Climate data for METAPHOR - WUR Delivery of climate model data from different scenario runs for the Metaphor model. Natuurplanner - WUR Delivery of climate model data from different scenario runs to the Natuurplanner, a model and data manager for ecological models. EU-CLUE scanner (Land use) – VU / Spinlab Simulate future land-use change over Europe, using Socio-economic and climatic changes as input.
CIRCLE-2 Final Conference Adaptation Frontiers: Conference on European Climate Adaptation Research and Practice March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal Climate4impact Portal Design 5
CIRCLE-2 Final Conference Adaptation Frontiers: Conference on European Climate Adaptation Research and Practice March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal Earth System Grid Federation Robust Distributed Data and processing Gateway Nodes (blue) Data nodes (green) Climate4impact builds on and contributes to this global infrastructure PCMDI NCI DKRZ BADC BCCCSM DKRZ FIO BADC UVIC NSC-LIU CEA E-ENIS CNRM NOAA LASG NASA NCI TSINGHUA NTNU PCMDI UCAR IPSL CMCC Climate4Impact
CIRCLE-2 Final Conference Adaptation Frontiers: Conference on European Climate Adaptation Research and Practice March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal Putting it all together
CIRCLE-2 Final Conference Adaptation Frontiers: Conference on European Climate Adaptation Research and Practice March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal Functionalities – Prototype IS-ENES 1 Extensive documentation for impact modelers Guidelines, warnings, do’s and don’ts Access to CMIP5/CORDEX data 30 data nodes, ~3 Petabyte of data Search in a faceted way Through models, variables, experiments, frequency, dates Visualize and download any CMIP5/CORDEX dataset Visualize any gridded dataset offered via OPeNDAP! Using ADAGUC WMS/WCS Login with ESGF OpenID Identifier
CIRCLE-2 Final Conference Adaptation Frontiers: Conference on European Climate Adaptation Research and Practice March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal Functionalities – IS-ENES 2 (October 2013) Improved search interface Web Processing Service with ESGF security Demonstrator online, create timeseries plot on any dataset in ESGF with 3 dimensions Compose OpenID identifier based on username and gateway Improved styling based on ENES Main Portal Less clicking, improved error feedback and improved user friendliness Still, a lot has to be done
CIRCLE-2 Final Conference Adaptation Frontiers: Conference on European Climate Adaptation Research and Practice March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal
CIRCLE-2 Final Conference Adaptation Frontiers: Conference on European Climate Adaptation Research and Practice March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal
CIRCLE-2 Final Conference Adaptation Frontiers: Conference on European Climate Adaptation Research and Practice March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal
CIRCLE-2 Final Conference Adaptation Frontiers: Conference on European Climate Adaptation Research and Practice March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal Improved search
CIRCLE-2 Final Conference Adaptation Frontiers: Conference on European Climate Adaptation Research and Practice March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal Browse ESGF or other THREDDS Catalogs
CIRCLE-2 Final Conference Adaptation Frontiers: Conference on European Climate Adaptation Research and Practice March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal Browse Files and Explore MetaData
CIRCLE-2 Final Conference Adaptation Frontiers: Conference on European Climate Adaptation Research and Practice March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal Fast Maps Viewer
CIRCLE-2 Final Conference Adaptation Frontiers: Conference on European Climate Adaptation Research and Practice March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal Generate timeseries plots for a certain location. Supported formats: HTML, JSON, XML and PNG Now with Time Series
CIRCLE-2 Final Conference Adaptation Frontiers: Conference on European Climate Adaptation Research and Practice March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal 18 Global Climate Model Ice in polar stereographic projection
CIRCLE-2 Final Conference Adaptation Frontiers: Conference on European Climate Adaptation Research and Practice March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal Web Processing Service Make timeseries Compare anomalies of precipitation against temperature for France Extensible architecture that supports the addition to climate4impact of other functionalities
CIRCLE-2 Final Conference Adaptation Frontiers: Conference on European Climate Adaptation Research and Practice March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal Climate indices calculation in climate4impact: OpenClimateGIS/icclim - Intra-period extreme temperature range [°C] - ETR - Warm days (days with mean temperature > 90th percentile of daily mean temperature) - TG90p - Summer days (days with max temperature > 25 °C) - SU -... Temperature indices Cold indices Drought indices Rain indices Snow indices Humidity indices Compound indices ECA&D indices Heat indices On-demand Calculations
CIRCLE-2 Final Conference Adaptation Frontiers: Conference on European Climate Adaptation Research and Practice March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal Current Developments for the processing service Users have a personal space on climate4impact for the results Storing & Downloading Sharing Displaying Keep settings for a process & rerun later a process with same settings On-demand Calculations
CIRCLE-2 Final Conference Adaptation Frontiers: Conference on European Climate Adaptation Research and Practice March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal Processing jobs can be monitored everywhere WPS
CIRCLE-2 Final Conference Adaptation Frontiers: Conference on European Climate Adaptation Research and Practice March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal Some Issues to be solved Improve user experience when nodes are down Monitoring dashboard from CMCC ESGF data node catalogues refer to missing files Catalog links are broken / data is missing Untrusted certificates: users have to confirm security exceptions OpenID identifier must be provided once for every data node Cannot search for files by date and time
CIRCLE-2 Final Conference Adaptation Frontiers: Conference on European Climate Adaptation Research and Practice March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal Next steps Explore automated bias corrections Finish the integration of calculate indices (ECA&D) Connection to downscaling portal of University of Cantabria Access to reanalysis data and Regional Model data (CORDEX) Search by MetaData (METAFOR Common Information Model) Seamless and transparent integration of on-the-fly indices calculations in the Search Interface Forecast visualization and outreach (SPECS) Standardize glossary with defined vocabulary (EUPORIAS, Predictia) Connect to KNMI Climate Explorer
CIRCLE-2 Final Conference Adaptation Frontiers: Conference on European Climate Adaptation Research and Practice March 2014, Lisbon, Portugal Visit us at and we await your feedbacks