agrinatura Wim Andriesse (Wageningen UR, The Netherlands) Tim Chancellor (Natural Resources Institute, UK) CORAF West and Central African Agricultural Science Week
CHRISTIAN HOSTE DIRECTOR agrinatura: 35 European knowledge institutions working together on agricultural research for development: A pool of over 2000 research scientists and specialists in (higher) education
CHRISTIAN HOSTE DIRECTOR Created in June 2009 through the merger of and
CHRISTIAN HOSTE DIRECTOR Natura Association of European universities dealing with agricultural research and education for development (28 universities in 18 countries) Ecart European Consortium for Agricultural Research in the Tropics (7 research institutions in 6 countries)
CHRISTIAN HOSTE DIRECTOR Objectives: Advocating policy for agricultural research and education for development Developing and strengthening strategic north-south alliances and partnerships Organising, facilitating and implementing joint programmes and projects Contributing to MDG’s, MDG 1 (poverty), MDG 7 (environmental sustainability) and MDG 8 (partnerships for development)
CHRISTIAN HOSTE DIRECTOR Organisation: Members/General Assembly Agrinatura Director Agrinatura Management Unit/Secretariat Agrinatura Advisers Website:
CHRISTIAN HOSTE DIRECTOR Some examples of our activities: Strategy paper on the use of biotechnologies in developing countries (EU/DG Dev; CORAF) ESFIM Empowering Smallholder Farmers in Markets (IFAD, IFAP, AGRICORD) Accessible systems to manage risks in family agriculture in Africa (EU/DG Dev FSTP) Strengthening capacity of African universities for quality graduate training (Erasmus Mundus, Edulink; RUFORUM) PAEPARD Platform for African-European Partnerships in ARD
The Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development ( The Platform for African – European Partnership in Agricultural Research for Development (PAEPARD) Objective: To build joint African-European multi-stakeholder partnerships in agricultural research for development
Partner organizations in PAEPARD
Low ARD capacity in Africa Density of researchers per population (65x lower in the South than in the North) Stagnation in the past two decades African participation in EC 6 th Framework programme
Participation of African organizations in FP6 INCO projects Small number of projects and uneven geographical distribution
FP7 2008/09
PAEPARD activities Identify key stakeholders and priority research areas Develop information and communication systems Strengthen capacities of selected organizations to build effective ARD partnerships and conduct high quality research Lobby for more resources to be allocated to agriculture and ARD
Expected results Improved mobilization and coordination of European and African ARD (research & non–research) stakeholders Enhanced access to information and better knowledge sharing Stronger multi-stakeholder partnerships for agricultural innovation Greater coherence of EC research programmes with MDGs and areas of mutual EC-Africa interest
Expected results Improved mobilization and coordination of European and African ARD (research & non–research) stakeholders Enhanced access to information and better knowledge sharing Stronger multi-stakeholder partnerships for agricultural innovation Greater coherence of EC research programmes with MDGs and areas of mutual EC-Africa interest
PAEPARD Coordinators: Jonas Mugabe (FARA) Francois Stepman (EFARD/Agrinatura)
Web site
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PAEPARD (to be elaborated here)
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